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  1. How do you deal with the problems of terrorism and religious extremism that we see increasing around the world today?

    This is a big problem. As I said, the reason is the lack of understanding, the lack of a sense of belongingness, the lack of trust between people and between communities, and also probably the misinterpretation of scriptures.I feel that every ...
  2. When it comes to terrorism and the threats that are given to people who are trying to live in peace, what’s your view on military intervention?

    I think military intervention should be the last option. Before that there should be enough diplomatic interaction. Trust building, communication building efforts should be made.I would say that track II diplomacy (non-governmental, informal and ...
  3. Could you advise on what is the best way of going into meditation. And is there any kind of special music which can enable you to access that space better? (Ritu Kumar: Fashion designer from India (Recipient of the Padmashree in 2013))

    Meditation is very simple, and it just takes a couple of days to learn. Once you learn it then you can do it on your own. Then you can do it anytime and anywhere you want. But only before meals, okay! What happens during meditation is our metabolism slo ...
  4. Gurudev, what should be my role to curb terrorism?

    Our role to curb terrorism should be through education. We need to interact with people. There is no other way, because terrorists don’t come and fight with you face to face. If they face you and fight with you, then you can do something. They hide like co ...
  5. Gurudev, why should we love a terrorist?

    I am not saying you should love terrorists. You have to accept terrorists. Only when you accept him can you bring a transformation in him or her. These are people who are misguided. They never had an opportunity of education in love, in compassion and ...
  6. Dear Guruji, can you please comment on religious extremism? Why are people drawn to these narrow and dogmatic positions? How should we discuss with them, if at all?

    Lack of spirituality, lack of experience. That is why we need to encourage broad thinking and reasoning. In the Bhagavad Gita, after giving all the verses, in the end Lord Krishna says, ‘Now you reason out all what I have said. Take it only if it appe ...