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  1. Gurudev, you just spoke about your teacher. Please tell us about those great personalities whom you have met and who left an impression on you during your growing years.

    I had the good fortune of meeting many great people during those years. I met the Shankaracharya Ji of the Kanchi Math. They would always regard me as their equal and gave me a lot of respect when I would go meet them. But I would feel a little uncomfor ...
  2. The youth of our country listening to you would be definitely inspired by knowing how you were able to maintain a balance between the two. Please tell us more about this.

    A great part of my childhood was spent in the company of the wise and the elders of my family. Now the latter part of my life is being spent with children ( laughter ). When I was young, I never used to have much interest in sports like c ...
  3. Gurudev, as per what we have heard about the many saints of India, it appears that as they progress on the spiritual path, their formal education gets left behind. But you have grown up in a very different environment. How did you balance the two?

    Yes, for me both spirituality and my education always went hand in hand. I would say it has been my good fortune indeed. Even as I continued to go deeper in Spirituality, my education also continued. I always had a strong interest in Science. And < ...
  4. Gurudev, at what age did you start having this inclination towards spirituality?

    See, I always had some interest in spirituality since the beginning. We all carry certain samskaras (impressions) through lifetimes; some we imbibe from the environment and some we carry with us through lifetimes. So the seed is always there. Th ...
  5. Gurudev, do you have any special memories of your childhood days and of your parents? Is there anything that you can remember that has made an impression on your mind?

    My parents were very nice and they taught me many good things as I grew up. My mother was deeply spiritual and my father also had a very strong inclination towards spirituality. When children grow up in a spiritual environment where there are some p ...
  6. Gurudev, when we think about you or talk about you, we often wonder what kind of atmosphere did you grow up in? What did your mother and father tell you?

    I always had this deep feeling right from the beginning that the entire world belongs to me and is my own family. I always felt that there were so many people waiting for me. When I used to say this in those days, people would not believe me and would s ...
  7. When we don’t get to spend one-to-one time with you, how do we communicate with you on a day-to-day basis?

    Twitter, Facebook, emails and meditation! Meditation is the best, but if you’re not satisfied with the communication through meditation and silence, then there is always email and twitter. Our SMS is silent message service! ...
  8. Gurudev, with more and more people coming into the Art of Living family, you are becoming more and more busy. Earlier you used to spend quality time with individual devotees, but now it is so rare. Please spend some personal time with us.

    Listen, the quality of time I spend with you has not reduced one bit (laughter). But yes, the quantity of time spent has come down for sure. Even when I meet someone for just a minute, I meet them 100% and am totally with them. If I even see you ...
  9. Who are the people who have been the most influential in your life to make you who you are today, and who have helped you build your philosophy?

    It is very difficult to say. If I just take a few names I won’t be doing justice. But it starts from my mother. When you are in the moment, when your mind is here right now, then you’re able to draw inspiration from everyone around yo ...
  10. Gurudev, I feel free in certain areas, and in certain aspects I feel bound. The more efforts I put to be free, the more bound I feel. How can I be free?

    I think you have too much free time. Get busy and keep working for the betterment of the world and you will see that all your personal issues and emotional issues will get resolved by themselves.Don’t waste time in thinking, what about ...