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  1. Gurudev, could you talk about the Vedas and the aspects that they give this creation?

    You know, the story about the Vedas is very interesting, it's a mythological story. Once a Rishi did a lot of penance, and so the Lord of creation appeared before him and he asked him, 'My dear, what do you want?'The Rishi said, 'G ...
  2. Gurudev, in the Iranian or Parsi tradition, Gods are called Ahura and demons Daiva, whereas in the Indian tradition, it’s exactly the opposite. Could you talk on this.

    Daitya is also in the Indian tradition. The Asuras are also called Daityas, and Devtas are also called Adityas (means those born out of Aditi).Devas and Asuras share the same father, their mothers were Aditi and Di ...
  3. Dear Gurudev, the Vedas are said to be eternal yet the mantras are attributed to some Rishis (wise sages or seers). How can the Vedas be eternal if they have been discovered by the Rishis?

    See, Newton’s law is eternal. It has been in existence all the time. But it was Newton who brought it forth. He discovered it (the existence of the law). Similarly the mantras (chants) were always there in the records in Aakash (Space). The Rishis w ...
  4. Is God present? All these Puranas look like stories of fiction to me. How do I find God? How do I believe his presence, and why should I believe?

    Now listen, let God rest. Don’t worry about God now. Worry about yourself. Who are you? First atma (spirit), and then paramatma (the Divine spirit). The paramatma (God) is beyond the atma (individual soul). First get in ...
  5. According to current theories of science, the age of the Earth is estimated to be about 4 billion years old. However, according to the Vedas, the age of the Earth is different. Can you explain this discrepancy?

    According to Western Science, 4 billion years? No, according to Science, it is 12.8 billion years, and according to Vedic Knowledge, it is about 19 billion years. ...
  6. Dear Gurudev, recently there has been a discovery of something called the Higgs-Boson particle. Is it leading scientists towards pure consciousness?

    I visited the institute CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research) where they found the God particle. We presented them with the book, Yoga Vasishta, and some meditation CDs. In fact, the head of that institution came and spoke at our Wor ...
  7. Dear Gurudev, the participants aspiring to do the Vedic Wisdom course want to know more about the Gayatri mantra and Sandhyavandanam. Can you please talk about this.

    You know life is three states of consciousness – waking, dreaming and sleeping. When waking state ends and dreaming state begins; when dreaming state ends and sleeping state begins, and when sleeping state ends and waking state begins, at these junction po ...
  8. Gurudev, you said in Sanskrit, the word for water and love is the same. In this context, is there some significance of offering water to the Shiva linga.

    Yes, it is a symbol. In ancient times people would take water in both hands, gaze at the Sun and offer the water. Sun gazing is very good, because our eyes are photosensitive. So Sun gazing can get the Sun’s energy in the body. Sun gazing is kno ...
  9. Gurudev, I’ve heard Gayatri mantra being played on tapes in public. How important is it to get initiated?

    We will go into all those details some other time. Ga-ya-tri – there are three types of misery. We have three bodies, the gross body, the subtle and the causal body. And in all the three levels there is misery. The human life has to cross-over ...
  10. Why does God sometimes help those who are not worthy of it? God is never biased, then why is it that some people are poor and some are rich? Why can’t there be equality?

    It is very difficult to understand God’s brain or God’s mind. It is better you give up! Sometimes you get all these questions, ‘Why does God make old people, who studied all their life, die? Why did Einstein die? He should have given him another 200 y ...