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  1. Dear Gurudev, failures in life are opportunities for improvement. Can you please share any such experience in your own life?

    I haven’t been in a situation where I have to lament over failures, nor have I ever had to say sorry for having done some mistakes because it has never happened so far. Touch wood! I don’t think there is any chance for it to happen in the fu ...
  2. How do I overcome the fear of failure which sometimes prevents me from taking initiative?

    Just play with the kids, and be ready to lose the game with the kids. That is a very good exercise. Do you want to win all the time when you play with kids? You are playing a game with children, being older, do you always want to win? Your joy lies in m ...
  3. When we fail, who is the doer? When I’m successful, I say it’s God’s grace or that Gurudev did it but when I fail, then God does not seem to be around me to take the responsibility!

    Look back and reflect on the many times you have failed. Don't you now feel that those failures were good for you. How many of you feel this way? (Many in the audience raise their hands)When you look back at your failures, you will see ...
  4. Even a single failure hampers my confidence and I have faced many failures in life. How do I keep myself from getting de-motivated?

    Don’t be too hard on yourself. Every failure is a step toward success. There are many successful people today, you know how much they have failed at some point in their life? There are ample examples in the world.In a competition if you lose, ...
  5. Gurudev, however spiritual, compassionate and service oriented I may be, if fate has something else written for me then no matter how good I am to others, they still turn against me. Then what to do?

    Don't worry. It's okay if people turn against you.See how our Prime Minister Narender Modi is. He was bashed so much. I don't think anyone in the country had been bashed so much. People called him all sorts of names, but he came o ...
  6. Gurudev, how to deal with failure? No learning, or advice is helpful in that state of mind. What do I do?

    Remember that you’re going to die one day. You are going to leave everything behind. All your degrees, awards, necklaces and diamonds, everything will remain here, of which you’ve been so possessive. So when you know that one day you have to leave everythi ...
  7. Gurudev, how do I explain the idea of success to my children in simple straight words?

    Children do not mind success or failure. For kids I would say leave them as they are and don’t try to put a concept of success or failure in their minds. Let them experience life in totality; as it comes to them. For adults I have a different fo ...
  8. Sometimes years of effort results in failure. What to do in such circumstances?

    Just keep moving ahead. Every failure is a lesson to be learned. Meditate. A few minutes of deep meditation will connect you with the ocean of intuition deep within you. For every decision, it is essential that you are in touch with that in ...
  9. I have given my M.Tech exams. It is super competitive. What if I don't get into a college that I like? My life will be ruined. Can I still be a success in life if I don't get into a good college?

    Absolutely! I tell you, don't put all your success into one small incident, or one small happening in life. You can be really successful even if failure comes in one aspect of your life. ...
  10. I worry too much about failure, especially when I am doing something important. It decreases my efficiency. How to overcome this?

    A new beginning. That was the past – drop it. Have faith that there are many more new things to come into your life. One thing that you should know is that you don't know yourself. When you look at what you did in the past or your weaknes ...