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  1. Gurudev, You have mentioned that present moment is infinite. It is both vast and deep. Can you please shed light on the vastness and depth of the present moment? Is it that lot of things are happening at the same time is what is meant by the vastness of the present moment?

    Yes, that is what it is. Just like the sky. We often say – ‘The sky is the limit’, is it not so? What does it mean? It means the sky is limitless. The ocean has a bottom but the sky does not have a top. It has no end. It is endless and beginning-less. That ...
  2. Gurudev, you spoke of the necessity to forgive those who have hurt and betrayed us. But what is more difficult for me is forgiving myself, and to let go of the guilt I feel from the hurt and betrayal I have caused others.

    If you find you have some sins, give it to me, I will take care of it. Don’t worry about it. You give me your past and I will take responsibility of your past. You have nothing to do about it. You are relieved of your past. Forget about it. Move ...
  3. How to accept a person or a spouse as they are?

    I have no experience in this! I think you can turn around and find many who can give a lot of advice. Ask them and see which one works for you! This is where Vedanta comes into the practical side of life. You will see the whole past is gone, it is like ...
  4. Dear Guruji, you have said that past and future happen in the present moment. That time is not linear as we think. I have been contemplating on this and I am a bit confused. Can you please expand on this?

    Only a bit confused? You should be thoroughly confused. (Laughter) That is my job – to thoroughly confuse you. Future plans are now in the present, right. They are in this moment only. Past worries are in this moment only. Only this moment exists. Th ...
  5. How to accept the present moment?

    Like now, this moment I have accepted your question, and I am here now. Got it? It is spontaneous. The present moment is inevitable. Whatever exists is in the present moment. Even a future thought is in the present moment. Your future worry is not in ...
  6. Gurudev, it is said that we receive only as much as we deserve and only when time is right. If that is true then why should we make an effort to do anything?

    Well, just keep doing you duty and be 100% in whatever you do. See the past as destiny, future as free will and be happy in the present. This is the intelligent way to be. You know what fools do? They keep regretting the past, thinking the past was f ...
  7. Gurudev, you ask us to live in the present moment, then what is the importance of the past and the future in a seekers’ sadhana?

    Yes, live in the present. Past and future are inherent in the present. Everything is available in the present only. Lessons from Past will be effortlessly available to you and whatever we need to do in future, that intuition will happen spontaneously as we ...