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  1. Gurudev, what is the role of Artificial Intelligence in the evolution of humanity? Scientists say that Singularity will soon come; meaning a point when artificial intelligence will exceed human intelligence and dominate the planet. Should we worry?

    No, you don’t need to be concerned about it at all. My only concern is why people are not using their intelligence. Everybody has been bestowed with intelligence, and the biggest problem is that they don’t use it! ...
  2. Gurudev, you were talking about Chanakya, he is known for his skill and intelligence. Was he born like that or did he build it over time? Are skillful people born like that or they build it over time?

    I can’t tell you about Chanakya, whether he was born skillful or he developed skills; but, I can tell about you. If you want to be skilled, you can always develop on your skills. Otherwise, there is nothing called skills training. You have potential in you ...
  3. Gurudev, I feel that in this world, the intelligent people are full of doubt, while the stupid ones are full of confidence. Why is it so?

    Doubt, within a limit, is a sign of intelligence. Beyond a limit, it is a disease. If you have self-doubt, then you can’t do anything. Doubt can clog your intellect like a disease. Also, if you keep on doubting everybody around you, you can’t do business. ...
  4. Dear Gurudev, does meditation improve IQ? If yes, how can meditation improve intelligence?

    Meditation brings the most needed rest to the brain; to the mind. Rest and silence is the mother of all creativity and intelligence. That is how it improves intelligence. ...