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  1. How do I get rid of my fear? I have fear for everything. Everything is scary. Fear of failure, fear of the future, fear of death, fear of flying. Everything! Please help.

    Fear is simply an emotion or a sensation in the body. There is no need to associate or attach it to different things. When you start observing those patterns, those energies that happen in you, you will see that fear, love and hatred all happen in one ...
  2. Dear Guruji, fear bothers me a lot, what to do?

    Why fear, when I am here. You belong to me and I belong to you. When you feel that you are alone and you have nobody, only then you fear. Fear is when you feel loneliness, when you feel that you are not connected. Fear is ...
  3. Gurudev, when I see certain men I get very fearful. Sometimes the fear I experience is intolerable. What do I do?

    It is quite natural for a lady to feel this way, and especially if you are alone and you find some really not right intended men around, you should feel afraid, naturally. Good, that keeps you safe as you would not go there alone. The society is ...
  4. Since childhood there was fear of parents, then fear of teachers, and now there is fear of God. Why do we make room for fear in our lives? Is this fear necessary?

    Not at all necessary! Why fear? Love doing a head-stand is called fear. Just make it stand the right side up. Fear is on account of love. If there is no love, there will be no fear. Tulsidas has said, 'Bhaiy bhi na hote na preet gosai'. Fear and love ...
  5. The Primal Instinct

    Fear is an impression of the past reflecting about the future of the present. When people deny fear, they become egocentric, when they recognize and accept fear, they go beyond...get free from it. Total lack of fear is possible only in utter chaos or utmo ...
  6. The Other Side Of Fear

    The Usefulness of Fear, Nature has put an amount of inbuilt fear in all living beings. This fear makes life defend itself, protect itself. Like salt in the food, a little bit of fear is essential for people to be righteous. Fear of hurting someone makes y ...
  7. Becoming defenceless

    Whenever a boundary is broken, it creates some fear. The fear creates dislike. This dislike puts us back in the boundary. And to keep yourself in the boundary you put forth defenses. When you try to defend your position, it is such a stress, isn't it ...