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  1. When our senses enjoy something, does our soul also enjoy at the same time

    The sensory enjoyments are a natural phenomenon. It drains you because it takes your mind outside. But the enjoyment of the soul is when the senses turn inward. In activity, you enjoy things and that has its value. But there you have to sp ...
  2. Where is our soul located in our body?

    Listen, you are the soul right? Is soul different from you? And you have a body. So why don’t you look at it and see where you are in your body? This question could be a very good homework for you. If you just sit and say 'Where am I in my bod ...
  3. Gurudev, the body is continuously decaying while the spirit is eternal. When the body goes through a cycle of sickness, the eternal spirit is not felt. How does one always feel connected to the spirit?

    Who is the one that is feeling it or not feeling it? Just focus deeply on that. You are saying, “I am not feeling it”. Just focus on this “I” – that much is good enough. Just become aware of where your focus is when ...
  4. Gurudev, what is stronger, mind, body or soul? How can I use these three in a good way?

    The soul has its own strength, the mind has its own strength and the body has its own position. Everything has its own strength. Keep the three balanced in their own respect. <br> Just today, there was a youth who hadn't eaten since morni ...
  5. Does a tree have one soul, or per leaf has a soul? Are there many souls in a mountain? How many?

    Many souls are there. One for one life. There is one soul in an ant, one soul in a human body, and one soul in one tree. ...
  6. Dear Gurudev, in one of the knowledge sheets you have mentioned, the Guru is not a person but a presence. How do I see my Guru as a presence and not as a person?

    Every human being, what are they, the body or the mind? If they are the body, then when the spirit is gone, why it is that no one cares for the body. It is the spirit that we value. Try to see the spirit as separate from the body. ...
  7. What is the origin of life? How did life begin? How is it that the population of human beings keep increasing? Are souls being divided?

    There are two words that are used from the ancient times. One is called Anadhi which means beginning-less, and the other is Anantha which means endless. If you show me a straight line and ask me, where it began? I can say i ...
  8. Dear Gurudev, sometimes I cry because of the inability to see who I am? This question has almost shut my life down. How can I be able to act from the place of knowing?

    You can’t make yourself an object of knowing. You are the knower. A baby does not make the mother an object of knowledge, does he? As soon as a baby wakes up, it does not say, ‘Mummy, where did you come from? Which school did you go to? Who is your mother ...
  9. Please let us know what is the biggest limitation for human beings?

    Body has limitation, mind has limitation, but the spirit has no limitation. When you think you are the body then you have limitation. Then you can do only that much. When you think you are the mind, mind also has some limitation. But your love ha ...
  10. Gurudev, where do souls come from?

    Where do all these planets come from? Where do these flowers come from? Where do animals come from? Where do you come from? It is amazing how in the universe there are so many types of people, so many flowers, so many fruits, so many animals, so many mosq ...