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  1. From many stories I understand you are omnipresent and all knowing. This sometimes makes me feel a little fearful that you know all about the mistakes I make. What is your attitude towards the mistakes? Are you angry when you see me making these mistakes over and over again?

    Not at all. Do you know that devotees are more powerful than the Guru himself? Do you know this? It is so. You must have heard of my Guru stories, but I have many devotee stories. I will share one with you. In the last week of November, I was touring i ...
  2. Dearest Gurudev, there have been many questions asking you to talk more about the meaning of Jesus, His birth and the meaning of his presence. Please talk a little about this.

    Jesus is the embodiment of love. Just look at how much insult and pain he had to suffer. Jesus took the hurt and the pain with such equanimity and calmness. He was blamed by everyone. Even his own disciples ran away. Imagine how hur ...
  3. Dearest Gurudev, there have been many questions asking you to talk more about the meaning of Jesus, His birth and the meaning of his presence. Please talk a little about this.

    Jesus is the embodiment of love. Just look at how much insult and pain he had to suffer. Jesus took the hurt and the pain with such equanimity and calmness. He was blamed by everyone. Even his own disciples ran away. Imagine how hur ...
  4. Gurudev, often at the work place when there are a lot of pending things to do, the mind becomes restless and we feel lost and do not know what is happening. At such times what to do?

    Make a list of all that you have to do and then prioritize. And in between those priorities, keep meditation as one item. You must have the faith that all your wishes will be fulfilled, and with that feeling sit for meditation for a little while.
  5. Gurudev, why is that a lot of enlightened masters, who healed so many people, had to undergo a lot of suffering?

    See, there is no suffering for the soul, or for the mind. It is the body which has its limitations. If you stretch the body too much, then definitely the body will have to undergo its routine. So the body will have cold and cough, and all these illnesses d ...
  6. Dearest Gurudev, I realized that I am but a small speck amongst your ocean of devotees. Yet I feel confident that you love me and are aware of my needs. Is that my ego that makes me feel that I am special to you?

    No, it is perfectly alright. You should feel special. That is why it is said – Anupama (unparalleled, wonderful), Advitiya (unique, without a second), Aprameya (incomparable, immeasurable) ...
  7. I felt very bad to see you cry on Guru Purnima Day.

    No, tears do not come only because one is troubled; tears also come out of love. I was just reflecting everybody there. Everybody there was crying, so tears came out of this body also. On Guru Purnima, everybody was filled with so much gratitude, ...
  8. Gurudev, I want to dance with you?

    My spirit is always dancing. ...
  9. Gurudev, I used to experience a lot of devotion, but it seems to have diminished with time. After listening to your talks on the Patanjali Yoga Sutras, I realized that it is not my nature. Could you please tell me how I can feel the same devotion again?

    Devotion is always there, but sometimes the clouds come in. Faith goes down and up with time. But if it goes down don’t think that it is going to be down there forever. It will go up again. This is the nature of the mind because the mind goes up and ...