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  1. Gurudev, those who have found their guru in this birth, if for any reason they are unable to attain mukti, are they able to find their guru in the next life time or do they have to wander aimlessly?

    No, no! Arjun asked this very same question, 'What if I am unable to walk this path of yoga in this lifetime?' So Krishna answered, ‘Nahi Kalyana Krit Kaschit Durgatim Taata Gachchati’ - One who performs noble acts will never go down, will never be mi ...
  2. If we are insignificant, if we are nothing, how does it matter what we do?

    It does matter. When you are insignificant, you also do nothing, and then there is bliss. But the moment you do something, it is going to bring you the result. If you overeat, you may have to call a doctor. You have indigestion, and then you have ...
  3. Gurudev, what is right, what is wrong, how does one decide? Please share an easy trick for this.

    There is a very simple definition to know what is good and what is bad. 1. That which you do not want others to do to you is bad and that which you want others to do to you and you do to others is good. 2. That which gives you short term joy and long ter ...
  4. Gurudev, in Uttarakhand there is a tradition of Devi and Devatas manifesting in people. Is that true?

    Yes, it is true, but many times their mind also gets entangled. That is why, unless that person is a saadhak, who has gone deep within, you cannot say that he is channeling the Devata's voice completely. Devata's voice will be there and also partly his ...
  5. How can a person decide his goal irrespective of his surroundings?

    For a while, just sit by yourself and think. Keep all other things aside. See, what is it that you want? Ask yourself, ‘what is it that I want?’ And then whatever goal comes up, hold on to that. Of course, whenever you want to take up a vision, a goal, a m ...
  6. Dearest Guruji, what are the signs that I am growing on the path? I did my first course 10 years back. I have done 10 advanced courses and I am a teacher. However, I still get angry. Sometimes I feel people who don’t do any practices are better when compared to my behavior. Please guide.

    You got it all wrong. You think that just meditation is going to do it all for you. You are just enjoying meditation. Why would you get upset if you are deeply soaked in knowledge? You think keeping quiet for sometime is going to do everything f ...
  7. When we see you in satsang or in Kriya, we feel high, but how to get that high always?

    Forget about always. When you take shower, you feel that warmth or coolness. Shower is for sometime only, but that shower keeps you clean the whole day. Isn’t it? If you say you want to always be in the shower, then you have to be a fish. You can ...
  8. How did great souls become great and how can we become great souls?

    You don’t need to do a great job to become great. You need to do small things perfectly to become great. Be simple and natural, and then great things will simply happen through you. Got it? And you don’t need to be famous in order to do great things. Grea ...
  9. Dear Guruji, I know I am extremely lucky to be with you in this life time. But I do also feel that I am not making the most of the opportunity you are here to provide all of us. Can you please advise me on how best to make the most of the opportunity you are providing us?

    I have no idea! Come on, just relax, enjoy and celebrate. No need to be too greedy. Just relax and things will fall in your lap; at least when you are here in a silence course. I don’t say this when you go out, then you have to do something. But when ...
  10. What is the difference between self-enquiry and judging ourselves?

    Self-enquiry is, ‘Who am I? What do I want? Where am I going? What is life all about?’ This is self-enquiry. Judgment puts you down but self-inquiry uplifts you. Self-inquiry is always uplifting; judgment makes you depressed. ...