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  1. In order to bring change in the system it is said you should get into the system. But when we are in the system we are in a position where we don’t want to upset the people who are working with us, then how do we bring change?

    For that you should have skill. Truth does not mean rudeness. Often people who think they are just being truthful are very rude. Rudeness blocks communication and can disturb the harmony. It also destroys the sense of listening. For anybody to hear yo ...
  2. Gurudev, Buddha ran away from his responsibilities and family. Still why do we worship him even though he shrinked away from his responsibilities?

    When Buddha ran away he was ignorant. He was seeking, he was depressed and upset. Without knowing the reality of life he felt life is meaningless. In that state of low energy, depression, he went on seeking. Once he found, he returned back. He to ...
  3. Gurudev, sometimes we feel fed up of only being a good person and feel that we should also sometimes do something wrong.

    See, whenever you are frustrated and you take an action it is not going to make you happy for sure, remember that. You will only regret it when you become calm and come back to a pleasant state of mind. So do not take hasty actions when you are frustrated. ...
  4. Gurudev, I only get criticized and I get depressed. How to manage and what to do?

    When people criticize you, you should just listen to them. If there is something good in it, take it and if there is nothing good then just leave it, ignore it. They can comment, so what! You should not lose your equanimity. ...
  5. We have all experienced joy because of you, but can you please share what has brought you joy?

    If I didn't have happiness, then how could I share it with everybody? We can only give what we have. ...
  6. How to maintain enthusiasm throughout the day?

    You are enthusiastic now, right? How did you get this enthusiasm now? Answer: Because you are here that is why I am enthusiastic!) Feel that I am always with you. Then you will always be enthusiastic! ...
  7. (A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible)

    It is important to have a clean mind. If you do pooja wearing a wet cloth (symbolism of purity) but your mind is not clean, it is not of much use. The cloth is also quite dirty sometimes and the water used may not be clean too! Some people take a ...
  8. Gurudev, there is a lot of literature on physical immortality. Is that possible? Is aiming at it advisable?

    I tell you it is waste of time reading about this and getting an elusive euphoria. I have not seen one person who is physically immortal. Why do you want to be physically immortal? It is like someone saying, ‘I want to keep on the same clothes my whol ...
  9. Gurudev, I would like to know the correct way to do business. What are the salient points to keep in mind to be successful in business?

    Business means taking risk. One shouldn’t take too much risk, but business will not work without taking some risk either. A middle path has to be taken. Think carefully before embarking on a business venture, and once involved, be fully committed.