
Search results

  1. How much importance should we give to Vastushastra?

    See, Vastushastra is definitely a science in itself. This science was conceived and developed in the ancient ages, and it is a part of the Vedas. But as of today, it is not available or accessible to us completely. It was written down on palm lea ...
  2. Gurudev, people tend to consult Vastushastra (the ancient Indian science of space and architecture) before starting the construction of a building or a new home. What is the relevance of these practices in the times of today?

    See, there are many different shastras (body of science or knowledge) and not just one. Different methods and approaches are written and prescribed in different scriptures.So it is okay to consult Vastushastra before you construct a ne ...
  3. How much importance should we give to Vaastu Shastra in our life?

    It is an ancient scripture with the science of directions. It says which direction the wind blows, which direction the cosmic energies are moving. Unfortunately, we don't have the whole of Vaastu Shastra. Lot of it is lost, destroyed. So whatever we thi ...