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  1. Einstein’s special theory of relativity which gives us E=MC2 is based on the fact that the speed of light is the only thing that doesn’t change. Can you say something about that?

    With the discovery of dark matter and dark energy they say that there is a very big difference. Even the measurement of light is only relative, it is not absolute. In that sense, love, light, etc., cannot be measured, it is all part of the Divinity, i ...
  2. Dear Guruji, what is the meaning of the Shiva Linga?

    Lingam means an identification, a symbol through which you can identify what the truth is, what the reality is. What is not visible but yet can be identified by one thing that is Lingam. When a baby is born, how do you know whether the baby i ...
  3. Many native traditions conduct ceremonies including eating or drinking specific herbs and plants to elicit higher states of consciousness. Is there an equivalent in Vedanta? And is this practice harmful or beneficial?

    Yes, Ayurveda is a science, it definitely has many mantra aushadhis; some herbs do induce a state of calmness. But dependency on them again is bondage, so Vedanta discards it. Ayurveda and Yoga, both definitely talk about herbs which can make y ...
  4. (A member of the audience spontaneously asked a question without a mike, hence the question was inaudible)

    Listen. You are breathing? Yes, you are! Definitely. You know it, I know it and everybody knows it. So what is happening? The air is entering inside your body and the same air is going out of your body and traveling the whole world. Can you say, ‘This ...
  5. What is the difference between Shiva Linga and a physical Shiv?

    Shiva Linga is very ancient, in fact most ancient. From the form, you go to the formless, through the Shiva Linga. Shiva Linga is sacred. There are many more things; I do not know why, what and all that. I simply do it and enjoy i ...
  6. What is the principle behind the Shiva Linga? Please explain.

    Love is Shiva. The substance which is everywhere is Shiva. Something that is everywhere, how can we recognize it? To recognize it as a symbol, a stone is kept, a form is kept. That is it. God is not in that form. The form is a symbol that reminds ...
  7. Dear Guruji, they say Sanskrit is a language evolved out of nature. What makes it so important that all the ancient texts have been written in this language? Is it relevant now?

    Yes. I heard last week or so that in New Zealand in one school, they adopted Sanskrit for the children and now the children are all doing very well in computer education after that. They say Sanskrit is very suitable for computer education. It causes some ...
  8. Gurudev, I would like to know what is Shivaloka, Brahmaloka and Vishnuloka? What makes them different from each other?

    There are many worlds and many dimensions of time. And so it is said, one human year is one day in Pitraloka. What is one year for us, of that, six months form a day and six months form a night in another dimension. If you are a student of astronomy, ...
  9. Gurudev, since olden times there has been a tradition that no new work should be started during Rahu kalam. A lot of importance is attached to it. Is this appropriate? Is there is scientific standpoint behind this?

    Look, Rahu period is that time which is considered suitable for prayers. It is considered ideal for any spiritual activity. So beginning any wordly project during that period is not considered appropriate because in our body there is a switching of channel ...
  10. Gurudev, can you please talk about the quantum world.

    The quantum world says that everything is just wave function. Chemistry says there is a periodic table and there are so many different types of molecules. Molecular biology says there are different molecules and different substances. But quantum says ...