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  1. Dear Gurudev, what is the purpose of ego? It seems like all the negative qualities that make us miserable can be ascribed to that layer of existence. Does it have positive aspects as well?

    Yes, ego has positive aspects. Who says it is all negative?The positive aspect is that it can come with a challenge, a determination, and a will to act.All actions that are challenging, that need determination and passion are done by ego.The ...
  2. What is the fastest way to get rid of the ego?

    Why do you want to get rid of it? Keep it! Just be natural. Being like a child will help. ...
  3. Dear Guruji, how can I control the drives that are from the ego when they are impulsive and often lead to regret?

    By experience! When do you drop your ego? When it is painful. When you have had enough pain then you say enough is enough, and then you simply drop it. Either through wisdom or through pain you get over the smallness. If you have wisdom and a br ...
  4. Dedication and commitment

    Just like you run out of fuel in the car and you have to refill it again and again, in the same way your dedication and commitment runs out in the course of time and it needs constant renewal! You have to dedicate and rededicate again and again. Often peo ...
  5. Quote

    Naturalness is the antidote to ego.   ...
  6. Quote

    Ego dissolves in love.   ...
  7. Drop your self image

    Kashiap: "How do you make everyone happy?" Guruji: "Become me." Rama: "How do we become you?" What stands between you and me is your self image. Your self image restricts you from being me. Self image whether good or bad caus ...
  8. Ego And Self From A Different Angle

    Ego is that something, which has two aspects – the positive and the negative. The creativity in you – are the results of ego. At the same time, when you break down communication, when you isolate yourself, when you’re in tears, when you’re stressed – that ...
  9. The Other Side of Ego

     Ego is an impediment for a leader, wise man, merchant or a servant, but it is a necessity for a warrior, a competitor. A warrior is one who takes on challenges and commitment and stands by it. Ego makes one sacrifice oneself for a cause. Ego gives streng ...