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  1. Longing Itself Is Divine

    Longing itself is Divine. Longing for worldly things makes you inert. Longing for Infinity fills you with life. When longing dies, inertia sets in. But longing also brings along a sense of pain. To avoid the pain, you try to push away the longing. The ski ...
  2. Dreaming the Impossible

    Question: Guruji, how can we control daydreams? Gurudev: Dream in the night! (laughter) What is daydreaming? You have a desire but you do not have the faith that you can achieve your desire- that is what you call daydreaming. You can control daydreaming b ...
  3. Wake Up and Slow Down!

    When you are in a rush, you are unable to properly perceive things. Often you are in a rush in life. This takes away the charm, thrill and beauty from your life. You can never be close to the Truth when you are in a rush because your perception, observati ...
  4. How does a desire arise?

    A desire arises with the memory of a pleasant experience and past impressions. A desire might arise through listening. A desire can be triggered through the association of certain people and a place. Someone else's need or desire may manifest in you ...
  5. Desire For Truth

    Buddha said that desire is the cause of all misery. If your desire does not get fulfilled, it leads to frustration and causes misery. Even if it does get fulfilled, it leaves you empty. Vasishta said that desire is the cause of pleasure. You get pleasure ...
  6. A Desire Kills Joy And All Desires Aim For Joy

    This couplet needs to be pondered over and over; for a whole lifetime is not sufficient enough to digest this knowledge. Whenever happiness has disappeared from your life, look deeper and you will see it is because of the desire. And all that we desire is ...
  7. You are pure electricity

    Desires for sense pleasure are electric in nature and they get neutralized as they move towards the objects of senses. If, by your skill, you could move them within you towards the centre of your existence, another dimension of everlasting pleasure, thril ...
  8. Celebrating the silence

    One who has given everything has also given freedom: Honor the freedom first and make good use of all things given to you. Your sankalpas (intentions) and desires separate you from God. Offer all the desires and your sankalpas to the Divine... then you ar ...
  9. The World Belongs To You

    Pleasure or pain is an intense sensation in the 4 to 6 foot body. When we are not caught up in this then we are truly and sincerely able to say, "I belong to you." That is when all the cravings and aversions, desires and doubts fall off-- and in ...
  10. Quote

    Make your desire bigger. Desire for the highest. Don’t go for anything smaller. Then divine love dawns in you.   ...