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  1. Bhanu Remembers Navratri Celebrations

    Bhanumathi Narasimhan in conversation with Bharathy Harish A bright afternoon in the month of August- it was the usual comfortable, calm and content atmosphere in Bhanu Didi’s house. It was time to get ready for another Art of Meditation (Sahaj Samadhi) C ...
  2. Navratri Webcast

    Navratri Celebrations 2014 Live Webcast ...
  3. Devi- The Moving Force

    An article by Smt. Bhanumathi Narasimhan We are all floating in the effulgence of one scintillating unseen cosmic energy called the ‘ Devi ’. The Devi or the Divine Mother is the womb of all creation. She is the seed of all dynamism, radiance, beauty, equ ...
  4. Agama Graduates Share

    Arun kumar, Tamil Nadu Every puja follows certain specific protocols. The ones who perform the Homas are called Acharyas and the ones who chant are called Sadhakas. I have been a sadhaka in the Gurukul since 2002 and have participated in 10 Navratri celeb ...
  5. A day in the life of an Agama boy

    Most of us have always been curious about the boys who perform the pujas and homas in the Bangalore International Centre. So, we decided to interview two boys: S. Rajalingam and Ramdeepesh Sivam studying in Sri Sri Gurukul. Here’s a sneak peak into their ...
  6. Secrets of the Sages

    Navaratri is a time when all the branches of knowledge are presented- vedic mantras, music, dance and other arts. It is a time for rejuvenation and reaffirming a commitment to knowledge. The vedic mantras originate in a vast collection of ancient knowledg ...
  7. The Secret of Meditation Mantras

    By Bhanumathi Narasimhan Mantras- Sound vibrations that permeate every cell of your being and allow your mind to dissolve and repose. But what are they? What do they mean? Where did they come from? There are so many questions surrounding these ancient syl ...
  8. Navratri – A spoon full of fun and reverence in cup full of contentment

    By Bhanumathi Narasimhan Navratri is a colorful festival which brings richness in creativity and appreciation of culture. There is so much encouragement for artisans during these nine days as performances and an exhibition of talents and skills are an int ...
  9. Mystical Navratri Celebrations – Then and Now

    By Suma Kumar     During Navratri, offer all anxieties, fears, worries, negativity into the sacrificial fire and be rejuvenated with courage, enthusiasm and knowledge and spread wisdom and light to the suffering world. Let’s bring peace, love, joy and Hap ...
  10. Fasting during Navratri

    Fasting – A Feast for Body, Mind, and Soul Give your body and mind a chance to break out of a pattern and give it a new direction. Fasting- a gift to an over-burdened body and an over-indulged mind. Fasting is indeed a denial of the physical needs of the ...