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  1. Short Meditation For Beginners | 10 Minute Guided Meditation For Relaxation By Gurudev

    Try this easy 10 minute guided meditation for beginners for relaxation by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. ...
  2. List of 10- minute meditations with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Meditation brings profound and long-lasting benefits into every aspect of our daily lives. While science has enumerated the many benefits of meditation, bringing it to practice into our day-to-day life can be a bit challenging, what with perennial deadlin ...
  3. How a 21 day meditation challenge can change your life

    Mental health assumed enormous proportions in the year of the pandemic as we all struggled to maintain ‘normalcy’ despite the unrecognizably altered lifestyles. In light of this, the practice of meditation became a source of solace for many in an unpreced ...
  4. How to make meditation a daily habit

    We all juggle multiple roles in a day that our personal and professional lives demand of us. This leaves us feeling tired, exhausted, and burned out. In such a situation, it becomes very tough to motivate ourselves to get up and meditate.  Are you also so ...
  5. How to make meditation a daily habit

    We all juggle multiple roles in a day that our personal and professional lives demand of us. This leaves us feeling tired, exhausted, and burned out. In such a situation, it becomes very tough to motivate ourselves to get up and meditate.  Are you also so ...
  6. A beginner’s guide on how to meditate

    Meditation is, both, a process and a state of mind.  It is the process of going inwards. It can happen at any point in time – while you sit cross-legged with your eyes closed, while you are staring at a distance while driving, observing a natural scenery ...
  7. 7 lockdown-special guided meditations by Gurudev that you will love even after the lockdown is over

    The world has been reeling in fear and anxiety with the COVID-19 pandemic for the past few months. Amidst the chaos, millions have found solace in Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s daily online meditations. We have hand-picked seven of the best-guided medita ...
  8. How to teach meditation to your kids

    It has been a tough year for the world.  The next generation will vociferously testify to it. The beginning of the pandemic was marked by canceled exams and early announcements of vacations, an auspicious start in the eyes of most of the student populatio ...
  9. Honey, I miss the lockdown meditation

    The essential post-lockdown guide for every kind of meditator    A few nights ago, I was really excited to attend a global satsang and meditation hosted by children on Zoom. I had bookmarked this event for a few days, and there I was ready, sitting in my ...
  10. Meditation for 7 Chakras in Body

    Have you ever noticed that you tend to touch your belly after a delicious meal that has you blissed out? Or that your eyebrows furrow when you are angry? Do you recall that lump in your throat the last time you cried? Why do we subconsciously associate ou ...