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  1. Gurudev, what is the significance of taking Sankalpa (an earnest wish or firm resolve) during Mahashivaratri?

    Sankalpa means taking our consciousness to the universe, to the infinite; and then bringing the mind to the present moment, and making a wish for something that you long for in your mind. That is what Sankalpa is. In taking Sankalpa, you ...
  2. Dear Gurudev, even though I read knowledge, do my spiritual practices and service, still my mind sometimes gets stuck on worldly objects like smart phones, clothes, etc. Please bless me to get rid of all this.

    It is okay. It takes time. If you are a little bit sticky, you need a little more heat to be stirred. You know, when we make the halwa (India pudding), the sweet first sticks, but as you keep stirring it on the fire, then it doesn’t stick anymore. ...
  3. Gurudev, I feel I am stuck. I am unable to spread The Art of Living knowledge. What should I do?

    You don’t need to do that what you cannot do. Nobody expects you to do anything which you cannot do. But whatever you can do, you must do. This is because when we do service, it does good to other people, and that brings us immense satisfaction too. Oka ...
  4. Gurudev, you say that we are here to serve other people, then what are other people here for?

    Certainly not to create trouble for you. Other people are here to teach you some lesson. Everyone teaches you some lesson or other; learn from everybody. The world is filled with teachers, you only have to be a good student. There is an ancient p ...
  5. Gurudev, today in every field, whether it is Corporate or Social Service, it is very difficult to make out the good from the bad. Now that CSR is a compulsory aspect of corporate entities; how to choose the right NGO to work with?

    See whether the NGOs are transparent and they have no religious bias; this is very important. Sometimes people do CSR activity, but their motivation is different. They want to convert people from one religion to another religion, or from one ideolo ...
  6. Volunteer for a Better India

    A talk given by H H Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar during the Curtain raiser event of Volunteer for a Better India. As I was lighting the lamp, it took a little time. I said,'It takes a little time for the oil lamp to catch fire, but once it catches fi ...
  7. Can you tell us about this new era? Will women have a bigger role?

    Women will have a bigger role in the world. Already women have a big role, but it will be an even bigger role. Do you know, there was so much anxiety about the 21st of December. My goodness, people created a rumour all over the world that on 21st of ...
  8. Gurudev, often at the work place when there are a lot of pending things to do, the mind becomes restless and we feel lost and do not know what is happening. At such times what to do?

    Make a list of all that you have to do and then prioritize. And in between those priorities, keep meditation as one item. You must have the faith that all your wishes will be fulfilled, and with that feeling sit for meditation for a little while.
  9. Gurudev, I understand the importance of seva, but at the moment, nothing but knowing myself is important. And seva feels like a distraction to me. What to do?

    Does a baby want to know the mother? Does a baby want to make the mother an object of knowing? Does any baby ever ask the mother, ‘Mommy, where did you study? First tell me. Give me your introduction; show me your bio-data. Then I will love you.’ A ba ...