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  1. Dear Gurudev, is this the only path that leads to supreme peace and happiness?

    : If you ask me that water is the only answer to quench your thirst, what can I say? What can I say if you ask me if breathing is the only way to fill the lungs? Any path which leads you to inner peace, tranquillity, joy and love is the path. All ...
  2. Gurudev, sometimes on the path of yoga one gains Siddhis, and these Siddhis can sometimes become a distraction. How can one handle these Siddhis without running away from them?

    Don’t pay too much attention to it. Don’t run after them. Many such things will come to you on the path. Many of you must’ve experienced this also. Don’t give it too much importance. When you go to some place, if someone asks you for a visiting card, you g ...
  3. Gurudev, is taking a divorce a hindrance on the spiritual path? I am very upset with my life since I got married.

    See, give your hundred percent. If your marriage works that is good. If it doesn't work, if both of you are miserable and there is not even an iota of joy there, then there is no point in hanging onto such a state of misery. Then amicably both of you shoul ...
  4. Gurudev, when your grace is present equally for everyone, then why do some Saadhaks have to struggle a lot while some don't?

    All are not the same. God has not made the same prototype. There are different types of people, with different capacities, upbringing and thought-processes and carrying different Samskaras (impressions). When you are considering yourself a Saadh ...
  5. If we study law, there is a guarantee of becoming a lawyer. If we study engineering, there is a guarantee of becoming an engineer if we put in our efforts. However, there is no guarantee of getting liberation if we keep doing our Sadhana and keep walking this path.

    It is definitely guaranteed. Arjuna asks the same question in the Bhagavad Gita. So, Lord Krishna replies, ‘Na hi kalyana-krt kascid durgatim tata gacchati’, (Chapter 6, Verse 40). For one who walks the spiritual path, you wi ...
  6. Gurudev, when will my parents and family start following you? The more I talk of you, the more they think they don’t need spirituality in their life. I want my parents to also know you and become part of the Art of Living.

    Don’t overdo anything. First you talk to the friends of your parents, your uncles and aunts or the close friends of your parents. They may listen to you more than your own parents. This is simple human psychology. Sometimes a man doesn’t want to listen to ...