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  1. How do we deal with arrogant people in professional life?

    Boost their arrogance. If they are arrogant, there are two ways to deal with them. One is to just neglect them and ignore them. They will react very fast. The other is to boost their ego. Say, ‘You are so good, so nice. How can you be so effi ...
  2. Does the awakening of the vivek not make humans sensitive? If yes then why do so many knowledgeable people behave in unwanted ways?

    Listen, in this world there are all kinds of people. There are good people, there are mediocre people and there are hopeless people, and you have to manage with everybody. The hopeless will make your resolution stronger, the mediocre will bring out skills ...
  3. If someone, whom you know loves and cares for you, doesn’t show it to you anymore, how do you still believe that they do and not get angry with them?

    Give them some time, let them take a break and recharge them self to show you their care back again. People do need a little bit of recharging again and again. You have drawn all that love and attention from them and it needs a little more time to get ...
  4. How to deal with negative, controlling, political people? In short our bosses.

    With 3 things, skill, patience, and positivity. This should work. If this doesn’t work, then team up, this is the easiest thing most people do. Team up against somebody and very easily it can work. But success is not guaranteed there. For success, skill, ...
  5. How to help my father learn how to handle his negative emotions. Also, how can I accept his chaos at work, since I work with him?

    It is a tough job. Different generations have different styles of working. You have to have a lot of patience, and skill in communicating with him. Sometimes the older generation, they don’t know how to delegate work. They believe so much in perfectio ...
  6. Gurudev, my boyfriend is very jealous. I introduced him to the Art of breathing but then he got very jealous again. After one night he hit me, I went away and stopped talking to him for one month. Now he says, after doing Kriya everyday he has changed. He is here on the Art of Silence Course too. He seems changed. He wants me to give him another chance. What should I do?

    Yes, you should definitely give him a chance, and this course would have really made a difference. See there is goodness hidden in everybody. It is stress and ignorance that is covering that goodness. So, in this room with hollow and empty and all the medi ...
  7. If I don’t wish to keep contact with a person, how do I cut contact or let them know that I don’t wish to have contact with them anymore, without hurting them, but still being clear, loving and caring?

    You can always do that when you want to. It is not a big issue. You can very gently say this. You don’t have to say everything verbally. Life moves so fast, why do you have to yap, yap, yap? I feel like this today; I felt like that yesterda ...
  8. My sister is mentally ill. She is really good at pulling our energy down and making us upset. I stay away from her, as much as I can. But she is very lonely. How to find the balance between responsibility for others and for yourself?

    When you know someone is a patient, don’t listen to them. Be with them with ear-plugs. You get upset because you take their words and behavior inside your head. You should make your head foolproof so that you don’t absorb things from others, and help ...
  9. The love of my life with whom I've been with for four years has told me that she is in love with someone else. She met him about five months ago. What should I do? I love her dearly and I don't want to lose her. She has asked me to wait for her while she makes up her mind. Should I wait or should I let go?

    I can understand your problem in one way. But in another way, I have no experience on this. So I can’t advise you. All that I can say is take some time out and be silent. Think about your life, about how it was in the past. When that person was n ...
  10. Gurudev, why do relationships take away our freedom?

    If there is wisdom in relationships, it does not take away freedom. If there is no wisdom, then there is no freedom. It is not the relationship that gives you or takes away freedom. It is lack of wisdom. ...