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  1. How to deal with so much injustice in the world?

    If you only think about all the injustice, you will keep boiling. When you keep boiling, you cannot think clearly. When you cannot think clearly, your action will also not be right. And at another level, your action will also contribute to the injustice ...
  2. How to let go of stress? How do you define real happiness?

    To let go of stress, do some meditation, some breathing exercises and pranayama; this is the first thing. Second, look back and see, haven’t you had some challenges in the past? You have had, isn't it? If you are anxious today (b ...
  3. Gurudev, when opposite values are complementary, does it mean that when more people meditate, more people will express negative tendencies like jealousy and violence?

    You never know (laughter). All these negative emotions are distortions of love. They are off-springs of love. If there is no love, there can’t be jealousy. If there is jealousy that means there is love. Arrogance is too much love for onese ...
  4. Gurudev, when opposite values are complementary, does it mean that when more people meditate, more people will express negative tendencies like jealousy and violence?

    You never know (laughter). All these negative emotions are distortions of love. They are off-springs of love. If there is no love, there can’t be jealousy. If there is jealousy that means there is love. Arrogance is too much love for onese ...
  5. Gurudev, when opposite values are complementary, does it mean that when more people meditate, more people will express negative tendencies like jealousy and violence?

    You never know (laughter). All these negative emotions are distortions of love. They are off-springs of love. If there is no love, there can’t be jealousy. If there is jealousy that means there is love. Arrogance is too much love for onese ...
  6. I am not able to do anything consistently. How can I develop this quality in me?

    This you need to realize for yourself. How do you say that you cannot do anything consistently? Why do you label yourself like that? First you should admit that you do not truly know yourself. When you do not know yourself, you do not know how ...
  7. Gurudev, I can easily identify and witness my negative patterns, however, it is very difficult to break away from them. How does one break away from these patterns?

    Whatever you gain by effort has a limited age, and is for a limited time. What you gain by effortlessness is ageless and timeless. The answer to your question is hidden in this answer somewhere; you dig into it. I have given you a formul ...
  8. Gurudev, how should one keep awareness and alertness and not become angry when things go wrong?

    Listen, sometimes if you do become angry, never mind. Just be angry. But it should not stay in your head for long. It should just come and go. Anger is necessary and essential also at times. So let it be. If it is for a good cause, and your anger ...
  9. If somebody has really done something wrong towards us, what should we do?

    When someone does something bad to you, think, why would they do it? One reason could be that they are not healthy. Do you see a fool or a mentally ill person as a culprit? No! If a mentally ill person says something bad to you, do you take thei ...