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  1. Dear Gurudev, do natural calamities happen because all the people in that area share the same karma, or is it because of staying in that specific place also?

    Yes, there is karma of space and time also. There is individual karma, family karma, society karma and the karma of space and time. This is why karma is considered so deep and vast. If you get into the analysis of karma, it is a big headache. So don' ...
  2. Gurudev, is it auspicious to have a Peepal (Bodhi) tree at home?

    Yes, it is very good and very auspicious. Having a Bodhi tree in front of your home is like having God himself standing there. This is what Lord Krishna says, ‘Among the tree, I am Ashvattha’, (Peepal or Bodhi tre ...
  3. Nature

    Nature loves you ten times more than a mother loves her newborn ...
  4. How important is it that we act for planet? What can we do? How do we sustain?

    We need to wake up and see that planet is our home and when you go higher, you don’t see borders. Borders are our understanding, our illusions. There really is no border. Sky knows no border, clouds know no border, and wind also knows no border. The elemen ...
  5. I want to contribute towards the environment…

    Do u have balcony in your flat? Take a pot, and add some tomatoes, coriander, chillies. Grow it. ...