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  1. When should your kid join a music class

    Our relationship with music starts long before we’re born. The hearing sense is the first to be fully developed among all the senses. When a baby is still in the womb, it can hear sounds. A newborn exhibits happiness when listening to music. An infant hum ...
  2. Meditation: Invaluable Parenting Guide

    A mother or father is born when the child is born.At that moment when you take your baby in your hands for the first time, your baby has already stolen you away from the rest of the world. Just his or her mere entrance in your life changes you totally and ...
  3. Dear Parents… A Postcard From Yoga

    Dear Mom & Dad, How are you? I hope you remember me. I am your child’s friend. Yoga is my name. I was born centuries ago and I have supported people to have a healthy body and mind from time immemorial. During the war in Mahabharata, Lord Krishna intr ...
  4. Ancient Wisdom for Children and Teens with Gurudev at Art of Living Bangalore Ashram

    May 16-22, 2013 Come and Soak in spiritual depth & experience a new dimension of your life at serene Art of Living Bangalore Ashram. This is the first time ever Ancient Wisdom for Children and Teens has been blessed by Gurudev. Date: 16 to 22 May, 201 ...
  5. 7 Parenting Tips to Handle Negative Emotions and Stop Aggression in Children to Nurture the Values of Non-violence

    By Bhanu Narasimhan┃Posted: January 21, 2018 A child who wanted to be perceived as the strongest of all would speak loudly, look angry, and hit everyone to prove his strength. When his grandfather came to visit, he behaved in the same way. However, his gr ...
  6. Parenting Questions and Answers for New Parents

      How to deal with my child asking too many questions? Children ask questions and often they are not looking for an answer, they move on whether you answer or not. Children are not stuck in questions like adults. Adults get stuck in questions, and ask the ...
  7. 5 Ways to Experience Meditation

    Getting back to that serenity which is our original nature is meditation. Absolute joy and happiness is meditation. A pleasure minus excitement is meditation. A thrill without anxiety is meditation. A love without hatred or any of the opposite values is m ...
  8. Raising Kids in the Youtube Era: Knowing these Parenting Tips Can Help

    By Paige Leigh Reist The world is changing at a rapid pace, and while that can be exciting and inspiring, it also means that parents, in particular, are dealing with a set of challenges that most parents in history have never had to. The prevalence and in ...
  9. Meditation: A Binding Thread Between Youth & Parents

    As youth what is it that we ultimately want from our life? Happiness is certainly on the list, right? What is it that our parents want for us? Happiness, isn’t it? So, when we have the same goal, why do we end up having rough relations with them? What is ...
  10. 5 Reasons Why Children Need to Meditate

    Think about it. How often would you tell your children not to study and just watch TV instead? Probably not too many times, right? Why, because you obviously want the best for them. And who other than you would know the best for your child? You always wan ...