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  1. Everything you wanted to know about Chaitra Navratri

    According to the Ramayana, Lord Rama worshipped Goddess Durga during Shardiya / Sharad Navaratri. In this period of conjunction, limitless powers from the cosmos reach us in the form of energy. Every year, there are two Navratris- Chaitra Navratri and Ash ...
  2. Gudi Padwa- The new year full of hope, harvest & happiness

    “Just as Nature is new every moment, you become new by letting go of the past. One who rejoices in one's nature can rejoice with all of Nature.                                                                                                        -   ...
  3. 10 Essential tips for women to protect hair and skin this Holi

    Love playing Holi but afraid of the toll it takes on your hair and skin? Looking for natural ways to ensure your hair and skin remain unaffected? Well, we’ve got you covered.  Holi lovers go all out on the day of Dhuleti. While many have taken the step to ...
  4. Tips for healthy and safe holi

    Holi, being just around the corner, is the most fun-filled and vibrant festival of colors for which everybody waits all the year-round. In a country like India, known for its huge diversity with many cultures, rituals and festivals, Holi unites the whole ...
  5. The Holi Muhurat: Know about the rituals that will make your celebrations more auspicious

    In India, any auspicious change is marked by a celebration. Holi, symbolized as the victory of good over evil and the festival of colors, is celebrated as the onset of spring and the end of winter. This change in weather and time has a much deeper signifi ...
  6. Holi: The festival of colors

    Holi is the festival of colors. The festival signifies the arrival of spring and the end of winter. In India, this is the last full moon of the year and 15 days after this full moon is the New Year in India. So before that last full moon, the tradition is ...
  7. Pongal: The four day colorful harvest festival of Tamil Nadu

    Pongal is a harvest festival celebrated predominantly by Tamil farmers. Just as farmers in Punjab extinguish the last embers of their Lohri bonfire, down South, and particularly in Tamil Nadu, arrangements get underway to start celebrations for the four-d ...
  8. Significance of Makar Sankranti: Why is it celebrated in different states in India?

    Makar Sankranti is an Indian festival celebrated by several states of India around mid-January. Tamil Nadu celebrates Pongal at the same time while Punjab celebrates Lohri at this time. While this is when all the different states celebrate their harvest f ...
  9. All you wanted to know about the Lohri festival, celebrations & traditions

    Lohri is the first of India’s rich and diverse melange of festivals to be celebrated with great pomp and energy across different regions of the country in the new calendar year. In North India, and predominantly Punjab, this harvesting festival begins the ...
  10. The story of Onam

    Onam marks King Mahabali’s visit to his people. This 10-day festival is a joyous time for all Malayalees, who welcome their king on this day.  Onam is also known as a harvest festival. Aesthetically laid out flower designs in front of the house with a var ...