
Search results

  1. The Slap of Joy

    Once upon a time a Guru was sitting in the congregation and many people came and took his blessings. He was silent most of the time, but when people came and asked him something, he said, “Oh, you’re very lucky!” So a student came to Gurudev and said, “I ...
  2. 5 Role Models Who Were Excellent Students

    You've probably heard of them during your bedtime stories as a child. They were the role models that took dedication and focused learning to another level with their feats. Here's our list of 5 such people who were excellent students during thei ...
  3. 6 Indian Celebs Who Owe It All to Their Teachers

    The festival of Guru Purnima is a day for honoring masters who have helped shape up our lives with their wisdom and infinite patience. And Indian celebs are not behind in expressing their heartfelt thanks to their mentors. Take a look at our list of 6 Ind ...
  4. Your Quest: Ask Sri Sri

    You can post your questions to Gurudev here. If your question is selected, it may be asked in the satsang. However, due to the large number of questions we receive, it may not happen the same day that you post. It may be a good idea to do a keyword search ...
  5. What Is Shiva?

    Shiva- The Cause Of All Causes Shiva can be split as Sha + ee + va where • Sha stands for shareeram or body •  Ee stands for eeshwara or life giving energy •  Va stands for vayu or motion Thus Shiva represents the body with life and motion. If the ' ...
  6. Yoga For Beginners

    . What is Pranayama? 2. What is Sudarshan Kriya all about?   3. Prana, Aura and Energy   4. The Dance of Yoga     5. The Definition of a Healthy Mind                       ...
  7. India and its Ancient Spiritual Wisdom

    . The Meaning of Tantra 2. The highest knowledge of the Universe 3. What Are The Vedas?   4. Significance of Raksha Bandhan     5. Significance of Gaytri Mantra                       ...
  8. Personality Development Videos

    . Never Give Up 2. The Sign of an Educated Person                           ...
  9. The Art Of Living

    . What is Sudarshan Kriya all about? 2. The role of The Art of Living in the world   3. What is Pranayama?                         ...
  10. Life behind Life

    . What Really Is Love? 2. A note on the soul. How do I know my soul?   3. Sri Sri on the God Particle- Higgs Boson                         ...