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  1. The Joy of Sharing!

    When you share your misery, it doesn’t reduce. When you don’t share your joy, it reduces. Share your problems only with the Divine, not with Tom, Dick, or Harry – that just increases the problem. Share your joy with everybody. Darren: How do you help peop ...
  2. Why do you respect someone?

    Why do you respect someone? Because of their good qualities, right? Like honesty, wisdom, love, talents, behaviours. But all these change in time. And when they change, you lose re- spect. You only respect greatness. I have tremendous respect for each and ...
  3. Which comes first- Knowledge or Faith?

    In science you have knowledge first, then faith follows. In spirituality, faith comes first, then Knowledge follows. For example, the knowledge of pesticides and chemical plant fertilizers came through science, and people had faith in them; all over the w ...
  4. How to break Habits?

    How to get rid of vasanas (impressions)? This is a question for all those who want to come out of habits. You want to get rid of habits because they give you pain and restrict you. The nature of a vasana is to bother you – bind you – and wanting to be fre ...
  5. FAQs on how to deal with stress and its offsprings

    Stress is an unavoidable companion in today’s modern day world. It can cause serious health issues, and make you lose your peace of mind, So, it is best nipped in the bud, isn’t it?  Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has suggested some insightful and humorous ...
  6. Krishna Janmashtami: Exploring the magic of the Mischievous

    When you think of Krishna, it is difficult to contain him in any one thought. You can see him sitting silently like Buddha, and you can see him dancing. You can find him in a battlefield, and you can find him as the best friend; you can even find him as  ...
  7. 10 Simple answers to FAQs- from negativity to spirituality

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar answers a wide variety of questions from the audience in his quintessential humorous and light-hearted style. 1. Why are we attracted to negativity? How do we stop it? Something that promises pleasure but gives pain and suffer ...
  8. How to dispel dark thoughts from your mind

    We all go through dark times in life. Depression, aggression, anger and disillusionment. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar explains how to overcome these gloomy emotions.  1. How to go from depressed to de-stressed People are aggressive and depressed in societ ...
  9. Five tips to get rid of anger and its ‘cousins’

    In Hindu mythology, there is a story about Lord Vishnu and his battle with anger. Two demons, Madhu and Kaitabha, born from the dirt of Lord Vishnu’s ear, troubled the lord. Madhu means ‘anger’ and Kaitabha means ‘hatred’. Lord Vishnu fought for a thousan ...
  10. Unravelling the mysteries of the mind

    Impact of the moon and planets on our mind Planets do have an impact on us, just as they have an impact on water- since seventy percent of our body is the element of water.  So, the mind, water, and planets are all intimately connected. Hence, the microco ...