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  1. The Ambassador of Peace

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was born in Southern India in 1956, Shankar›s childhood reflects how he started seeking answers by looking within. He was often found in meditation from toddlerhood and through his studying of ancient Sanskrit scriptures he was ...
  2. 30 Indian Maestros. 300 minutes of music. An official Grammy submission as World Music Album

    Bengaluru: "Ananta" Volume 1 - Maestros of India, the official submission of the Art of Living Foundation to the 60th Grammys; has been accepted for consideration for Nomination as a World Music Album & one of the tracks, Guru Stotra, composed by Pt. V ...
  3. Sri Sri inaugurates Tissue Culture Lab for rare plant preservation

    Bengaluru: Rare medicinal and agricultural plants will now get a boost in production thanks to the newly inaugurated tissue culture laboratory at Sri Sri Ayurveda College. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar inaugurated the first of its kind lab on Monday, the 9t ...
  4. From Tragedy to Transformation – Vegas Meditates for Peace and Healing on Oct 12th

    On Monday morning, October 2nd, Americans woke up to horrific news: At least 58 people were killed and more than 500 injured by a gunman in Las Vegas. Are These Statistics of Gun Violence True? I Hope Not. Over the past decade, the United States has endure ...
  5. 11 Diet Tips to Relieve Constipation and Improve Bowel Movements

    Highlights Fruits and vegetables like papaya, orange, beans, & asparagus are good Drink lemon juice mixed with warm water every morning Develop a regular eating habit and chew your food properly Remember 'Piku'? The movie threw light on the cause of co ...
  6. The Art of Living To Prepare Kashmiri Youth For Life Beyond Bars

    Art of Living starts skill development center in the jails of Srinagar and Pulwama In a first for Kashmir, inmates of the Srinagar and Pulwama jails will train in electrical and computer skills, ready to earn a respectable livelihood once they leave prison ...
  7. DGP prisons inaugurates ‘Skill Training Centre’ at Central Jail Srinagar

    Srinagar: DGP Prisons, SK Mishra, on Monday inaugurated the Skills Training Centre for Jail inmates at Central Jail Srinagar. The skills training Centre being first of its kind has been established by Prisons Department in collaboration with Art of Living ...
  8. Art Of Living playing vital role in conflict resolution, peace and social welfare of NE

    The North Eastern region of India comprising seven states – Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Tripura and Sikkim – is much more than a mere political construct. It is a unique civilization in itself with its own rich historical and cult ...
  9. North East India and the Art of Conflict Resolution!

    Conflict resolution is a sublime skill. It cannot be achieved by mere discussions, compromises and dialogue. Of course, they are integral to such measures, but the art of resolving conflicts lies in the very sanctity of the intentions of the mediator. It n ...
  10. The Waters Flow Again: How The Kumudvathi River Was Revived

    The Kumudvathi River, among others, was rejuvenated on the monumental initiative of Art of Living volunteers, who adopted age-old methods involving revival of natural water sources. Its origin is just 50 kilometres from the IT city, Bengaluru. It is a trib ...