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  1. Gurudev, if we all get what we need in life, then why are the small children in Africa not getting food?

    Why are the children in Africa not getting food? So, we can all help them. If everybody is getting food, then who is to help whom? They are not getting food so that many others who are getting food can stretch their hands and help them out. ...
  2. Dear Gurudev, what is meaning of Pratyahara in Ashtanga Yoga (referring to the one of the Eight Limbs of Yoga as given by Maharishi Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras)?

    Pratyahara means alternative food. It means to refrain or refuse from eating food that you usually have, and choosing something else to eat (referring to food more conducive to the body for spiritual practices). Our senses have a tendency to go outw ...
  3. Why sometimes blood pressure stays above normal even after daily Sudarshan Kriya, evening meditation and Triphala (ayurvedic herb)?

    Are you exercising properly? Are you doing some yoga? Are your food habits okay? Are you worried? Are you holding on to some knowledge in your mind? Or are you obsessed with some desires which you want to be fulfilled right away and have no patience? Y ...
  4. When the Vedas permit non-vegetarian food, why do Hindus refrain from eating meat?

    Lifestyles for different people at different times have transpired. The Vedas contain all the knowledge, about all the styles of people, all over the world. It doesn’t only mention you should eat meat, it also says a vegetarian diet is very good fo ...
  5. After doing Yes! course, I left non vegetarian food, but my parents and others keep forcing me to eat it, what should I do? I really don’t want to do this.

    Yes, what you don’t want to do, you hold on to it. Don’t listen to your parents in this case. Listen to other things that they say. ...
  6. Jai Gurudev, everyone says to not eat non-vegetarian food. If you eat non-vegetarian food, the brain capacity reduces. But there are lots of people who eat non-vegetarian food and they are intelligent and are more at the top of their profession. What is the reason behind it?

    Non-vegetarian definitely affects our system. Someone who has done more research on that can tell you in detail about the effects of eating non-vegetarian food. A lady from Macedonia has done lot of research. If you search on the internet, you wil ...
  7. Dear Gurudev, the food that we eat today have so much chemicals and the government policies promote these. How to tackle this? Please also talk about organic food and organic farming.

    Organic farming is the future of Earth.If we want the earth to sustain itself, we have to go organic. There is no other way.There are people who are so greedy and selfish that they do not care for the planet, and so they promote these harmful th ...
  8. Please tell us about the importance of offering food (Prasad) to the Divine before eating. Also please tell us the authentic way of offering food. Is there any mantra needed?

    When a lady cooks food at home, the first thing she does is takes out a spoon of rice, or dal, or whatever she cooks, and puts it outside in the garden for the birds, for the ants, and for the creatures. The significance of this is to say that the envi ...
  9. Gurudev, you have spoken much about food and the breath. Would you like to say something about clothes as well? Should we only wear traditional clothes?

    Wear comfortable clothes, but I do not prefer wearing those torn clothes and jeans for which you pay so much money. It looks so shabby. I have heard that if there are holes in the jeans, you have to pay more money for that! This you should not do.
  10. Some people say they live without food, and there is a film about this. Is this true and what do you think?

    I know a gentleman who said that he only watches sun light for food. He has mastered not eating, but sometimes he has a cup of tea with a lot of sugar in it. See, this is about training your body. It is like in Russia how they train you in ballet. Th ...