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  1. Gurudev, they say visualizing one’s wish makes it come true. Does visualization mean not being in the present?

    Visualizing is like taking a Sankalpa (resolution). But there is a difference between taking a Sankalpa (resolution) and making an effort to visualize. Effortful visualization is not good. The difference is like this. I want to go to Ja ...
  2. Gurudev, many books have been written about positive thinking. What is the difference between positive thinking and Sankalpa (a firm resolve or pledge)?

    Sankalpa is a thought or wish, with which there is no feverishness attached. When you desire without feverishness for something, then it becomes a Sankalpa. ...
  3. Gurudev, wishes don’t let us relax. But without them, how can I move towards my goals?

    That is the role of knowledge. Knowledge helps you to move forward with wishes. With knowledge, patience increases. With patience, you can take any wish, that wish is called sankalpa (commitment/resolution). You can move forward rooted in commitm ...
  4. Dear Gurudev, I’ve always felt that I’m a tool in the hands of someone else, but I want to reach great heights and have a name of my own. Would it still be possible?

    You want to have a name. Have that Sankalpa and forget about it. If you’re feverish to have a name, I’m sure you’re going to be disappointed. Let us say you want to go to Chennai from Bangalore. You sit in the car, and it&r ...
  5. Gurudev, yesterday you spoke about Sankalpa Shakti (the power of intention to manifest one’s wishes or desires). You also said that some Sankalpas (intentions) manifest and some do not. Why is that so?

    Whenever you take a Sankalpa, you should always pray that – ‘I want this or anything better than this’. Nature is far more intelligent and would like to give you the best. When your vision is narrow and limited (to one’s own personal motives only), then y ...
  6. Dear Gurudev, the participants aspiring to do the Vedic Wisdom course want to know more about the Gayatri mantra and Sandhyavandanam. Can you please talk about this.

    You know life is three states of consciousness – waking, dreaming and sleeping. When waking state ends and dreaming state begins; when dreaming state ends and sleeping state begins, and when sleeping state ends and waking state begins, at these junction po ...
  7. Gurudev, what is the significance of taking Sankalpa (an earnest wish or firm resolve) during Mahashivaratri?

    Sankalpa means taking our consciousness to the universe, to the infinite; and then bringing the mind to the present moment, and making a wish for something that you long for in your mind. That is what Sankalpa is. In taking Sankalpa, you ...
  8. Gurudev, why do you suggest a Sharnagat (one who has surrendered everything and taken refuge in the Divine) to take a Sankalpa (firm resolve to take action)? How is this possible? We don’t need anything except you. Then why take a Sankalpa at all?

    We never compel anyone to take up a Sankalpa. And you are never asked to take a Sankalpa for small things. Your small wishes and desires anyway get fulfilled, is it not? Everything does happen anyway. So when things are happening, instea ...