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  1. Gurudev, if God is good and all powerful then where does evil come from?

    When you are facing the light, you do not see your shadow; it is only when you move away from the light that you see it. Evil is just the shadow, and a shadow does not have an existence of its own!If you look inside each culprit, there is a ...
  2. If evil is the lack of love, is the solution simply greater love?

    Absolutely. Turn towards light and all this will disappear. ...
  3. Your Holiness, do you believe in evil?

    I don’t believe in evil but I know that evil is the shadow of lack of goodness. It is an absence of goodness, absence of love, and absence of light.In India we believe in six types of evil: Pride, Greed, Arrogance, Jealousy, Anger and Lust. An ...
  4. How relevant are orthodox superstitions like the evil eye, etc.? Are they correct or wrong?

    The world of thoughts is a subtle world. There is some effect of all this and there are simple ways to remove these effects. All this is based on vibrations. There are vibrations everywhere. The whole word is just vibrations. Every object is a vibratio ...
  5. Gurudev, in this world, there are both Mahatmas (great souls) and there are Rakshashas(demons). Those who follow the Mahatmas become Sattvic. Then the Rakshashas try to suppress the Sattvic ones. At such times, what must be done?

    It is necessary for the good people to be united. Society has deteriorated not because of a few bad people, but because of the silence of the good ones. Those with good intentions keep quiet and don’t even go to vote. They think, ‘Why should ...
  6. Gurudev, in this world, there are both Mahatmas (great souls) and there are Rakshashas(demons). Those who follow the Mahatmas become Sattvic. Then the Rakshashas try to suppress the Sattvic ones. At such times, what must be done?

    It is necessary for the good people to be united. Society has deteriorated not because of a few bad people, but because of the silence of the good ones. Those with good intentions keep quiet and don’t even go to vote. They think, ‘Why should we be c ...