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  1. Gurudev, tomorrow is my birthday. Please tell me how to celebrate my birthday tomorrow in the ashram.

    Yes, on your birthday you should definitely think about how before this birth you were the soul and then you took up this body, and then after this, again you will go back to space. You should celebrate this phenomenon. Know that from the ocean you beca ...
  2. Dear Gurudev, what is the real purpose of our existence on the Earth as a living human being?

    It is to find out who you are and to become a little angel. When you’re living on this planet, bring a little happiness to everyone around you and you be happy. Be a little angel in the world. ...
  3. Dear Gurudev, my life appears meaningless to me. What should I do?

    Life appears to be meaningless when you are focused only on yourself. If you constantly keep thinking, 'What would happen to me? What do I want? I want this and I want that. When will I get it?' Then life will appear meaningless. But when you know ...
  4. Gurudev, I am 30 years old and honestly I still don’t know what I want from my life. How do I figure out what I truly want from my life?

    You know, you should shift this 'What I want from my life' to 'What people around want', or 'What the nation wants'. If you make this change from 'What I want' to 'Wh ...
  5. What is the meaning of life?

    One who knows will not tell, and one who tells does not know! This is because the very question is like a vehicle for you to travel on. When you have to traverse the journey of your life, the wise man will not take your vehicle away from you, and say ...
  6. Why are we here? When all this is not reality, why are we made to come back again and again to live our lives?

    First, (we are here) to ask this question, and second, to find an answer to it! Many live their whole life without even asking the question, ‘Why am I here?’ Wake up, ask this question, and pursue to get an answer. Do not be in a hurry for the ...
  7. Gurudev, please help me to figure out my calling.

    Why are you sitting and waiting for more calling? Don’t start searching for the Sun at noon. You are already in the right place. This is your calling! A global phenomenon is happening, where millions of people are turning from the material mind to a s ...
  8. Does the soul have an aim?

    Yes, the soul definitely has an aim, to become one with the super-soul. The small mind's aim is to become one with the big mind. Every wave wants to wash the shore and become one with the ocean, which it already is! ...
  9. What is our mission on Earth?

    What is not our mission on Earth, we should make a list of that first. Your mission is not to be miserable and make others miserable, correct?! Now if you go on eliminating what is not your mission, you will in the end come to what is your mission. ...
  10. Jai Gurudev! Thank you for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Please tell me, how do I know if I am on the correct path in life and that I am fulfilling my purpose here?

    There is something called Gut Feeling. Something deep inside you tells you, ‘This is right', and when you choose it, you really feel good about it. I tell you, doubts usually come to you when you choose the right thing. Doubt is alw ...