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  1. What is Pitru Dosha, how does it affect our daily life and how do we correct it?

    Pitru Dosha comes out of torturing the parents or ancestors. If children torture the parents and do not understand them, then that is called Pitru Dosha. The parents have brought you up with so much love, taking pain they have given you a good li ...
  2. What is Pitru Dosha, how does it affect our daily life and how do we correct it?

    Pitru Dosha comes out of torturing the parents or ancestors. If children torture the parents and do not understand them, then that is called Pitru Dosha. The parents have brought you up with so much love, taking pain they have given you a good li ...
  3. I loved your tweet about spontaneity and impulsiveness. Could you also talk about righteousness and 'rightness'

    "Often one confuses spontaneity with impulsiveness. While the former is the secret to success, the latter has only caused disasters. Spontaneity arises out of clarity, intuition & response, impulsiveness is only emotions & reactions.The way t ...
  4. How come good people remain silent and bad people make a lot of noise? Is this a quality of the time we are living in?

    No. The voice of good people should be heard loud and clear. Good people should also make noise. You should raise your voice. Raise voice against injustice, You must raise your voice. ...
  5. Gurudev, yesterday you said that good people suffer because of foolishness. How to understand the difference between innocence and foolishness? Good people are innocent. Please explain.

    The word itself is self explanatory. Innocence is of the heart and it is not judgmental. Did you get it?Don’t think that it is not possible to be innocent and intelligent. The foolishness of innocent people has no value. Similarly, the ...
  6. Gurudev, many times my intention is not wrong but my action is wrong. Will I accumulate any bad karma for that?

    If intention is right then don’t worry about it. Though action does have its repercussions, but it is not much when the intention is right. ...
  7. Gurudev, how do I know that what I am doing is right?

    At least now what you’re doing is right by asking this question. We must ask questions. When you stop asking questions, either you are fully satisfied or you are very stupid. If you are not fully satisfied, you can keep asking questions, it is goo ...
  8. How do I know if I am doing the right thing or not? Sometimes I get very confused.

    When you are not doing the right thing, something pinches you, something irritates you; something inside tells you that you are not doing the right thing. This is how you know you are not doing the right thing.When you are doing the right thing, som ...
  9. Gurudev, everything in the world is natural- the good and the bad. Then why are we always trying to convert the bad into good?

    Because that is also part of our nature. People are being born, and people die, then why do you need to save anybody from dying? Close down all the hospitals, shut down all the services. Anyways people die, what is the point? How does it matter if the ...
  10. Gurudev, are love and devotion the same? What should I do if the person whom I love betrays my trust?

    Even then be grateful to God.What good is the faith that shakes? Faith is that which remains firm even during tough times. Suppose you place your trust in someone and got betrayed. Then just remind yourself that it is all a play of the Divine< ...