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  1. Gurudev, many Gurus and saints have spoken about the need for a renaissance of India. It seems that with this new government the time may have come. What form should that renaissance take?

    Renaissance has already begun a few years back. People have woken up and it should continue with the same enthusiasm and speed that is necessary. For that the people in power have to be very careful, conscious and support this sort of renaissance and I am ...
  2. What is the solution for the Kashmir issue? Peace talks for the past 50 years have failed. Is war the solution? Lord Krishna also fought for truth. Has the Kashmir issue become an ego issue?

    In the recorded history of the world, the world has been peaceful for only 288 years. This is only 8% of the time! This is what the historians stay. That means conflicts have been there all through.For the India-Pakistan issue, people to people cont ...
  3. Gurudev, we have 33,000 slaughterhouses in our country, and everyday close to one lakh cows are slaughtered for their meat and hide. Please guide us as to what can we do to save and protect the cows.

    Yes, it is our sacred duty to save the cows. I too am greatly concerned about this. If we want to save and protect the heritage and culture of our country, then it is very necessary that we do everything possible to save the cows.You should go to th ...
  4. Gurudev, we were discussing about Kashi (the modern day city of Varanasi, India). It is said that if someone breathes their last in Kashi, or if the ashes of their dead body is cast into the River Ganga, their soul gets liberated. How true is all this?

    No, it is not like that at all. Kashi is also called as Varanasi, and it gets its name by being the meeting point of two rivers: Varuna and Asi.Kashi is actually not outside but within us. The Ajna chakra (the sixth metaphysical ...
  5. The new government has put a lot of emphasis on skilled development. What can we do to enhance skills?

    Yes, skilled training is separate, and The Art of Living is also doing it. Get in touch with our SSRDP (Sri Sri Rural Development Program), we have many teachers who are training the youths on handling electronic equipment, so that if anything goes wron ...
  6. As a house wife, how can I play a role as a nation builder?

    Yes, women should stand up. Even if you are a house wife, stand up. You have equal rights, and you have great responsibilities. Never feel you are weak, you are empowered, you must do and you can do many things.Keep aside one hour every day for serv ...
  7. How can we promote other sports other than cricket in India? India seems to be stuck with cricket.

    Yes, so many people stand and watch only two people playing. In that sense I think soccer is most engaging game, everybody is active on the field. Though cricket increases your alertness, you have to be alert to catch the ball at any time.We should ...
  8. There are skeptics who think that India is slowly coming down because of its messy democracy. What are your views?

    Corruption and the number game is a big problem in India.India has such a large population and there are many issues in the country. The number game has been a very big issue in the past decade. Though there are good leaders in the government who wa ...
  9. Gurudev, I want to know your opinion about India. How according to you should India be?

    India, in my vision, is where people from all religion and communities come together for their country. India has been divided by religions and communities. I want to see a slum free India. All slums should be removed. I want to see a corruption free, ...