
Search results

  1. I am able to have an Art of Living experience everywhere, except with my family. Could you please explain why, and how do I come out of it?

    Sometimes, some people at some places push your buttons more than other people. That is your tapasya, your sadhana. Be there, don’t run away, that is where your test is happening. It is a test as well as a practice. You have to endure that. < ...
  2. Gurudev, it looks like corruption in India is doing lasting damage to society and the environment. Is it reversible? If yes, then how can expats like me living in the US help in the endeavor to reverse the damage?

    If you are interested in doing something back home in India, and want to know how to create awareness, how to use your talents to save the largest democracy on the planet, then you should definitely meet with the Art of Living (AOL) volunteers here, they ...
  3. Is it okay to mix different yoga techniques? Or should we find one way.

    No, don’t mix them, it becomes a hotch-potch. You have on your platter, such a wonderful program. All based on a single line of thought, a philosophy which is ancient yet profound, and still modern. So just follow one way. That’s the best. I’m saying t ...
  4. Why am I here? Why did I do this course? Am I normal?

    There are many standards of normality. From a lower standard, you may not be normal. From a higher standard you are normal. If from an even higher standard again, if you are not normal, then you need to be going up much more. So what do you mean by normal? ...
  5. Is this the right place for me? There is no way back to normal life. Even my husband who loves me couldn’t accept my activities in The Art of Living. He’s afraid that I’m going mad!

    Balance things. Don’t scare anybody. You need to balance life. Make people understand. This (The Art of Living) is not abnormal, this is a normal life; to be happy, to be centered and to spread the message of joy and happiness. We need to improv ...
  6. When was the last time you felt sorrow or sadness and what was your experience with letting it go?

    Every time I see someone miserable, I feel it. I feel for them. They could have been much happier. For no reason they are miserable. The recent tsunami in the Himalayas was a very tragic one. Our Art of Living volunteers are there and are working day a ...
  7. Is there an advantage that Art of Living techniques have versus Transcendental Meditation (TM) or other techniques?

    I am not a good salesman! I don’t know how to tell you how to compare techniques. There are a number of meditation techniques; you should choose whatever suits you best. Some techniques, like Buddhist mediation techniques – Vipassana, long silen ...
  8. How do we get rid of the caste system? I am not been able to get married because my parents and his parents think they will be out casted from society. We just belong to two separate castes. What has to be done Gurudev?

    Patience, and education. I think it is much, much, much less now. People, are much more open. Only thing that bothers people sometimes is food habits; vegetarian and non-vegetarian. That becomes a big barrier you see? But, don’t worry. You should ...
  9. What is the significance of the last rite ceremonies?

    The last rites also have a purpose, they are very nice. A mantra is said in the ear of the corpse, because the soul is still there for some time, it has not gone. They are told, ‘Look, this body is going back to its original elements. You are not that. Yo ...
  10. Gurudev, do you have any plans to start an Art of Living channel?

    See, starting one positive channel will not work. We need to have all the channels becoming positive. Are you doing media studies? I would like many of you to go in to media, and change the media. ...