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  1. test1

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  2. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Vidya Mandir

    "Only an education that can nourish inbuilt virtues can impart true intelligence." ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar With this vision, Gurudev founded the Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir Trust in 1999 by Gurudev. An educational and health wing of ...
  3. Contact Us

    We appreciate your interest in our work and look forward to serving you.   Helpful Information ABOUT US One of the world’s largest volunteer-based non profits, the Art of Living is dedicated to creating a stress-free, violence-free society.  Read More   C ...
  4. Art of Living whatsapp

    Receive official updates of Art of Living on your Whatsapp! Join any one of the following groups Group1  |  Group2  |  Group3  |  Group4 ...
  5. Introduction

    Az Art Of Living tanárrá válás során számos tanfolyamon, képzésen és önfejlődési lépcsőfokon kell végigmennie annak, aki erre vállalkozik. Magyarországi csapatunkra büszkék vagyunk, ők tartják a különböző tanfolyamokat és programokat, amiket szervezünk.  ...
  6. Impact

    The Art of Living’s journey Incepted in 1981 Present in 155 countries 10,000 centers across the world 35,000 Instructors globally 370 million people benefitted Highlights from the service initiatives include: Conflict resolution 150,000+ trauma-relief ben ...
  7. Dr. Rakesh Zope

    The lives of human beings get completely disturbed when they suffer from any physical, mental or emotional imbalances.  Ayurveda can help in reducing these sufferings. It provides not only relief from symptoms but also restores health by working on the un ...
  8. Service Initiatives

    The Art of Living transforms societies by instilling a vision, making role models, promoting a sense of community and giving people a voice. The core of every service program is to strengthen the individual through breath and meditation. “We have to evolv ...
  9. Priya Sharma

      Priya Sharma Priya Sharma is a Happiness Program teacher and Sudarshan Kriya Instructor based in Malmö. She is a computer science engineer and patent research specialist by profession, and enjoys doing yoga, meditation and Sudarshan Kriya. Priya moved t ...