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  1. Yoga and Enlightenment: Finding the unshakeable Self

    By Marilyn Galan Many of us who practice yoga know that yoga just feels good. Talk to a yoga student about why he started learning yoga, and he may tell you he heard from a friend that it was good for calming work stress. Another yoga participant may say ...
  2. Follow Your Breath And Fly High

    “ Breath is the link between the body and mind. If the mind is a kite the breath is the thread. The longer the thread, the higher the kite can go.” – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Breathe Out Stress, Breathe In Joy Did you know that we can throw out 90 percent of ...
  3. Yoga Postures lying on back

    Corpse Pose Boat Posture Bridge Posture Fish Posture Knee to Chin Press Shoulder Stand Plough Posture Lying-down Body Twist Lying-down on sides Learn yoga asanas and Experience yoga: Find the Yoga center near you!   ...
  4. Yoga Postures Lying On Stomach

      Cobra Posture     Superman Posture     Locust Posture     Bow Posture   Learn yoga asanas and Experience yoga: Find the Yoga center near you! ...
  5. 10 Standing yoga asanas that increase strength & balance

    Standing yoga asanas help build strength developing the leg muscles. They go a long way in burning fat, and shaping and toning the body. They also help you maintain balance.  Try these 10 standing yoga poses to build your sense of balance and strength. 1. ...
  6. Yoga for backache- Discover the strength of healing through Yoga

    General reasons for backache*- Sitting or standing for long hours- Sitting or standing in an incorrect posture- Lack of exercise- Obesity- Smoking- Weak back muscles Do you find your hand often reaching out for your upper back? Unconsciously wanting to so ...
  7. Plow Pose (Halasana)

    Hal = plow, Asana = posture or pose This yoga pose gets its name from the plow – a popular farming tool commonly used in Indian agriculture to prepare the soil for sowing crops. Like its namesake, this pose prepares the ‘field’ of the body and mind for de ...
  8. What is Pranayama and Yoga?

    What is pranayama (yogic breathing)? Your body is like the wick of a candle and the mind is like the glow all around it. ‘Prana’ is the vital energy needed by our physical and subtle layers, without which the body would perish. It is the prana or life for ...
  9. You Were Born A Yogi, Don’t You Remember?

    The only beings (other than liberated souls) that are in harmony with themselves, i.e they are at home anywhere and don’t care who is watching, are babies and children. And yoga naturally manifests in their supple bodies. It is quite common to observe chi ...
  10. How to be more compassionate in 6 easy ways

    Compassion is one of the subtle yet profound feelings in the world. This simple human emotion springs out of love and each one of us is born with it. Whether you smile at people with kindness or accept yourself at the end of a bad day, it is a sign of com ...