What is Intuition Process? 什麼是直覺課程?


“生活的藝術 - 直覺課程”適合5-18歲的孩童和青年,為期兩天的課程。

尤其是在孩童的心智還很清新,不被強迫,不執迷,而與大自然同調的時候更為明顯可見。 “生活的藝術 - 直覺課程”。幫助孩童發掘心智的直覺能力這種既深沉又不可思議的天賦能力潛伏在每一個孩子當中透過直覺課程能夠適當地培育和滋養心智,使這種能力得以綻放且根深地固。
直覺課程的好處: 改善直覺力,讓知覺更敏銳,覺知與預感更強烈,自信心增加,不再恐懼害怕未知, 更聰明更有創造力

Intuition is the GPS of your soul! 

The Intuition Process teaches children to listen to, access, enhance, cultivate, trust and maintain their gut feelings, with a powerful and unique technique that they learn on the course, which they take and utilise, right through them up to adulthood. 

Kids become inhibition free, discover innate talents, become more confident, improve communication skills, remember things quicker, become more focused, are able to relax the mind so creativity comes up and essentially, build intuitive ability to know what is right for them and what is wrong. 

Join the Intuition Revolution! For Kids 5yrs up to 18 yrs. 

Program Details 課程詳情

Junior (5-7 years old) 兒童班 (5-7歲)

Junior (5-7 years old) 兒童班班 (5-7歲)
Dates 日期 04/05/2019; 05/05/2019
Timing 時間 2.00pm - 4.30pm | 下午2時 - 下午4時半
Venue 地點 Art of Living Center (1901, Arion Commercial Center, 2-12 Queen's Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong) 香港生活的藝術中心 (香港上環皇后大道西2至12號聯發商業大廈19樓01室)
Teacher 導師 Sahil Jagtiani
Course Fee (First Timer) | 學費(首讀生) $15000 (Early Bird 早鳥優惠價 $12500)
Course Fee (Repeater) | 學費(重讀生) $1500

Senior (8-18 years old) 青少年班 (8-18歲)

Senior (8-18 years old) 青少年班 (8-18歲)
Dates 日期 04/05/2019 ; 05/05/2019
Timing 時間 10:00am - 1pm | 早上10時 - 下午1時
Venue 地點 Art of Living Center (1901, Arion Commercial Center, 2-12 Queen's Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong) 香港生活的藝術中心 (香港上環皇后大道西2至12號聯發商業大廈19樓01室)
Teacher 導師 Sahil Jagtiani
Course Fee (First Timer) | 學費(首讀生) $15000 (Early Bird 早鳥優惠價 $12500)
Course Fee (Repeater) | 學費(重讀生) $1500