
The Art of Living Celebrates
Navratri 2015

22nd of Oct 2015

Over 800 internationals from 56 countries celebrated the Indian festival of Navratri at the picturesque Art of Living International Center, in the presence of global humanitarian and the founder of the Art of Living, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

All the nine days were celebrated with music, ancient Vedic chants, classical dances, instrumental performances of the tabla, sitar, flute and other cultural performances. On the 7th day, Gurudev enthralled the audience by playing the Veena and the Harp.

On Vijaya Dashami, three international couples tied the knot according to the Vedic traditions.

The ceremony of couples from New Zealand, Malaysia and Indonesia was solemnized in accordance with the Vedic traditions and ancient Vedic hymns were chanted.

Throwing light on the significance of marrying according to these traditions, Dinesh Kashikar, an Art of Living faculty shared, “When something happens through tradition, sustenance is associated with it. These traditions have been followed for ages, so one feels like a part of something ancient.

Vedic marriage shows a person who seeks to be spiritually evolved that there is no conflict in leading a married life and growing spiritually."

In recent years, people from countries like Russia, Argentina, USA, Canada, Germany, Mongolia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Lithuania, Ireland, Korea, Norway, Uruguay and Sweden who have chosen the Art of Living International Center as their wedding destination.

Universal appeal of Vedic weddings, explains Dinesh Kashikar, is in the chanting of mantras, while explaining its significance. In this wedding, the five elements and nature bear witness to the ceremony. They are more permanent than human witnesses.

"Rituals performed during the wedding ceremony hold a symbolic significance. Like the Laja Homa that is performed with puffed rice which signifies fullness, and mantras that take us into the fullness in our lives," he shares.