What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. What breaks intimacy

    Taking a position, or ego Desires Expectations Insensitivity or too much sensitivity Judgments Taking intimacy for granted Finding imperfection in yourself or others Grumbling or lack of gratitude Lack of vivek or vairagya – discretion or dispassion Intima ...
  2. Is attachment healthy in a relationship?

    Attachments cause feverish breath. Feverish breath takes away your peace of mind. Then you are in pieces and fall prey to misery. Unfortunately most people do not notice this until it is too late. Before you get scattered too much, gather yourself together ...
  3. What do you do when the person you love doesn't love you?

    You feel love for someone and they do not accept it. What do you do? Get frustrated. Turn the love into hatred and wish for revenge. Again and again remind them how much you love them and how little they love you. Become fussy and cranky. Throw tantrums. F ...
  4. 11 things to know before you get into a relationship

    Q: How do I know that I am in love, what are the signs? When you love someone you don't see anything wrong with them. Even if you see some fault in them, you justify the fault and say, "Well, everyone does it! It is normal". Then you think you have not do ...