Yoga is a study of life, study of your body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, and ego.

06.02.2011 Турция
Excerpts from an Interview from recent Punjab Visit

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The leaders should have a broader vision. If leaders have really a broader vision, the summit in Copenhagen wouldn’t have blocked. They don’t care for the entire planet; instead they are only caring about the smaller perspective of their national interest. If their national interest is more than human interest or interest of the planet then they are at loss. So I want the leaders to take a lead, first of all curb the menace of depression that is setting in the world. 30% of Europe is suffering from depression, and the psychologists say that it is going to go up to 50%. In India it is normal but in Europe, it is around 30% to 38%.
It is very less in India, in the metropolitan cities it may be around 10% to 12% but not at all in the villages, maybe 2% or 1%

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