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  1. Yoga and Relationships: Stretching Toward Commitment

    By Marilyn Galan It is a few minutes past 5 a.m., the beginning of my daily yoga practice. My right leg is lunging forward, the right foot pointing to the front. My left leg is placed straight and solid behind me. I breathe in and raise my arms, stretchin ...
  2. Types of Food

    Sattvic Food Sattvic foods are those which purify the body and calm the mind Cooked food that is consumed within 3-4 hours can be considered sattvic Examples – Fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, nuts, grains and fresh milk Rajasic Food They stimulate t ...
  3. The Yoga of Eating

    By Babeeta Chhabra As I sit down to eat the khichdi I made (a light rice and lentil porridge), filled with delightful veggies, topped with melted ghee and ground pepper, I watch the steam rise from my plate in sheer contentment… It is a cold mid-November ...
  4. Control How Much, How and What You Eat with Yoga

    By Dorte Larsen Are you finding it hard to resist extra helpings of dessert? Do you binge on chips and chocolate when you know you shouldn’t? Start adapting a yogic lifestyle and see: you just might find yourself resisting that gooey cookie. How can yoga ...
  5. Why the wise go veg with yoga

    You are what you eat. That's the principle yogic approach which takes a holistic view of human health, on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. The ancient treatise of Patanjali Yoga Sutra speaks of the concept of ' Ahimsa ' ...
  6. 10 food habits, the yoga way!

    Kartik, 30, is a software engineer by profession and a photographer by hobby. His average week comprises of a 45-50 hours’ work schedule. Although he is a fitness enthusiast, his hectic schedule leaves very less time for him to keep his body in shape. Due ...
  7. Yoga and Food

    When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need. ~ Ayurvedic Proverb ‘Isn’t it enough just to practice the Yoga asanas/poses, do I have to regulate my food?’ wonder many. In itself, practicing Yoga asanas is one of th ...
  8. Tackling Diabetes Naturally with Yoga

    Diabetes is a multi factorial disorder essentially resulting from lack of proper exercise, inappropriate food habits etc. Modern day 'stress' only aggravates the challenge. All these aspects point to 'life style'. Besides medical atten ...
  9. Experiencing Thoughtlessness

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 44 Contd. from knowledge sheet 43 (I Sutra 47) “Nirvachara vaisharadye adhyatma prasadaha” N irvichara = thoughtless, a state of being hollow and empty; vaisharadye = undisturbed pure flow; adhyatma = spiritual; prasad ...
  10. Combating Cold with Yoga

    The most common phenomenon of any seasonal change are the diseases it brings with itself. As we move from summer to monsoons to winter, a lot of people keep battling with flu and common cold. By default, our body's immunity system tries to get rid of ...