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  1. The Importance of a Guru on the Path of Yoga

    "Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom fully. The blossoming of human potential to fullness is yoga." ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar The saints and sages of ancient times evolved and perfected over centuries a system of self ...
  2. Adoption of Yoga way of life should be a Corporate policy- 2

    Continued from Adoption of Yoga way of life should be a Corporate policy- 1 'Yoga and Life at Workplace' Swami Shivananda Saraswati said: 'Yoga is a process of education leading to inner discipline, inner clarity and inner strength. With st ...
  3. How corporate yoga will help your business

    Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom fully. Blossoming of human potential to fullness is yoga. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Imagine walking into an office of grumpy and disgruntled employees on a daily basis. It’s unappealing and d ...
  4. Adoption of Yoga way of life should be a Corporate policy- 2

    Continued from Adoption of Yoga way of life should be a Corporate policy- 1 'Yoga and Life at Workplace' Swami Shivananda Saraswati said: 'Yoga is a process of education leading to inner discipline, inner clarity and inner strength. With st ...
  5. Adoption of Yoga way of life should be a Corporate policy- 1

    The top management of any corporate is always concerned about improving the employees’ performance. Over several years, management researchers have chalked out different means and methods to identify the factors that influence performance. It has been see ...
  6. Housework Yoga: Apply Yoga Principles in Daily Chores

    Convert your daily chores to blissful yoga practices by applying these simple tips. You will be amazed at how quickly your work gets done and the wonderful state of mind you have during and at the end of your chores. Today's world moves at a fast-for ...
  7. Sukshma Yoga Exercises to Relax you in 7 Minutes

    Are there days when you want to pull your hair apart, grind your teeth, and tighten your fist? Well, tighten your fist more. In fact, tighten your whole body. Breathe out, squeeze your stomach in, frown and purse your lips together. And now, let go with a ...
  8. Yoga and Relationships: Stretching Toward Commitment

    By Marilyn Galan It is a few minutes past 5 a.m., the beginning of my daily yoga practice. My right leg is lunging forward, the right foot pointing to the front. My left leg is placed straight and solid behind me. I breathe in and raise my arms, stretchin ...
  9. Spirituality at Workplace

    Lack of spirituality more than religiosity is the root cause of corruption and scams. Nobody is corrupt with their own family. Corruption is happening because there is no sense of belonging. Spirituality enhances the sense of belongingness among people, s ...
  10. Yoga- From The Eye Of An Investor

    “Mutual Funds are sub­ject to mar­ket risk. Please read the offer doc­u­ment care­fully before invest­ing”. Aren’t we familiar with the above lines? The disclaimer which finds its place on all mutual fund policies, investment bonds, shares. This is not to ...