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  1. Steadiness, in spite of being in any sensory activity, is Samadhi

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 42 Contd. from knowledge sheet 41 "Ksheenavruttihi"- When all these five activities, which we have dealt with before, are subdued. Subduing these activities. (I Sūtra 41) " ...
  2. Mind and Senses Become Steady in Samadhi

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 40 Contd. from knowledge sheet 39 “ Kshenavrutterbhijatasyeva manergrahetrugrahana grahyeshu tatsthatadanjanata samapattihi ’’ (I Sutra 41) kshena = powerless; vruttihi = modulations of the mind; abhijatasya = transpar ...
  3. Secrets of Samadhi

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 41 Contd. from knowledge sheet 40 Samadhi is that state where you feel you can stay like that for a few million years. Samadhi is a state where the mind freezes. It is like you put the vegetables and fruits in the refr ...
  4. Yoga is the Preservative That Maintains Love

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 12 Contd. from knowledge sheet 11 As you all know, there are three gunas or qualities. They are sattva, rajas and tamas. Three gunas come into our life in cycles. When sattva comes, there is alertness, knowledge, int ...
  5. Meditation opens up the smallest atom to the Infinite

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 39 Contd. from knowledge sheet 38 “ Yathabhimatadhyanadwa ’’ yatha = as per; abhimata = your appeal, choice; dhyanat = by meditation; va = or Many different types of meditations are there. In any one of these meditatio ...
  6. The knowledge of dream or sleep can also awaken you to the truth

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 38 Contd. from knowledge sheet 37 There are only two states of consciousness. One is deep sleep or dreaming: day dream or night dream. Throughout the day one dreams, “Oh, what will happen to me? Or I will do this, I wi ...
  7. Enlightenment is to realize that this reality itself is a dream

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 36 Contd. from knowledge sheet 35 “Swapnanidrajnanalambanam va” swapna = dream; nidra = sleep; jnana = knowledge of; alambanam = meditating on, by knowing; va = or “The knowledge of dream or sleep can also awaken you.” ...
  8. Rhythms of Breath Calm the Mind

     Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 32 Contd. from knowledge sheet 31 " Prachchardana vidharanabhyam va pranasya'' prachchardana = by splitting (expulsion); vidharanabhyam = by retention; va = optionally; pranasya = of breath "By spl ...
  9. Keep your mind engaged in the thoughts of the enlightened

    Patanjali Yoga Sutra Knowledge Sheet 35 Contd. from knowledge sheet 34 “Vitaragavishayamvachittam’’ vitaraga = beyond cravings; vishayam = objects; va = or; chittam = mind “That mind which is free from craving for objects blossoms fully.”- Patanjali Yoga ...
  10. Meditation Influences the Creation

    Patanjali Yoga Sutras- Knowledge Sheet 16 Contd. from knowledge sheet 15 "Bhavapratyayo videhaprakrutilayanam" That which is caused by this existence (i.e., you meditating in this level of existence) also influences those who do not have a body ...