Catalyzing Reconciliation In Kosovo

14 Sep 2007 to 16 Sep 2007
Badakhshan province, Afghanistan

KosovoTo boost the process of reconciliation and restoration of peace in strife-ridden Kosovo, H.H.Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar took his message of non-violence, and harmony to a wide cross-section of people during his two-day visit.

He met with the President of the Judicial Parliament Council, Hyadjet Hyesni and Vice-President of the Alliance New Kosovo, Ibrahim Makolli. HH Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar also addressed the members of the United Nations mission in Kosovo. He also interacted with many war veterans.

H.H.Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar led a public meditation for peace for hundreds of people in Priština. The Art of Living has been working in Kosovo since 2000, helping war victims reclaim their lives.