
Art of Living Teacher Training

The Art of Living Teacher Training (TTC) course provides you with an opportunity to grow stronger within and serve society.  The course lays down the foundation foryou to teach some entry level Art of Living programs. Upon completion, it may be possible for you to become an Art of Living, yesplus, Yes! or SKY Kids course teacher. 

Pre-requisites:  Completion of all of the criteria listed below

  1. A desire to be an Art of Living, yesplus, Yes! or SKY Kids Teacher

  2. Daily practice of yoga and meditation techniques taught in the Art of Living course

  3. Completion of your first Art of Living course at least 1 year prior to commencing TTC

  4. Must be 20 years of age

  5. Completion of at least 3 Art of Silencecourses, including one with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (or 2 Art of Silence courses ifthe course taken with Gurudev and was at least 7 days in duration)

  6. Completion of at least 4 Art of Living or yesplus courses in which you were a participant during the entire course (this does not include courses for which you were a volunteer)

  7. Completion of the Art of Meditation course (Sahaj Samadhi) and practice of same twice daily

  8. Complete viewing of the Ashtavakra Gita wisdom series, all 33 tapes

  9. Complete viewing of all the Bhakti Sutras wisdom series

  10. Complete viewing of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali wisdom

  11. 100% Vegetarian

  12. Free from use of alcohol, tobacco and recreational drugs (for at least the last 3 months)

  13. You have organized 2 Art of Living or yesplus courses (this includes enrolling, finding a location, registration and course accounting)

  14. Completion of the Volunteer/Pre-Teacher Training course and submission of a letter of recommendation from your Pre-Teacher/Volunteer Training

  15. There must be a gap ofat least4 months between the time you completed the Volunteer/Pre-Teacher Training course and the AOL TTC course.

For more details, please write to us at

Click here to register






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