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  1. Pre Meditation tips for experienced meditators

    Congratulations on meditating regularly for several years, or more! No doubt by now you’re very familiar with the wonderful beneficial changes that come through consistent practice. To allow your meditations to be deeper and more impactful, we present her ...
  2. Perks of Being a Meditator

    Have you ever wondered about the speed of thought? You might be here one moment and somewhere else, many light years away, in the next. So, you see, your thoughts can travel faster than the speed of light! Says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, ”Wherever you ...
  3. Why Facebook? Now meditate and make better friends!

    Enjoying my day off on a lazy Saturday morning, I lay on the couch, surfing TV channels. On Animal Planet, something caught my attention and I paused. Two cute, little baby pandas lovingly cuddled and stroked each other. They played- one ran behind the ot ...
  4. Keeping The Bar High- Sports and Meditation

    Often, very well-played classical sports performances inspire us greatly. They plant dreams that one day we could be the one on that field, inspiring the audience with breathtaking moves. But, is “how” always a question you keep asking yourself? Obviously ...
  5. Meditation and Mysticism

    A long term meditator, Chris Dale shares his experience with meditation and mystical states. As any experienced meditator will know, the regular practice of meditation opens up a whole new dimension of experience. The terrain of this inner world is vast a ...
  6. 5 Reasons Why Children Need to Meditate

    Think about it. How often would you tell your children not to study and just watch TV instead? Probably not too many times, right? Why, because you obviously want the best for them. And who other than you would know the best for your child? You always wan ...
  7. Can Meditation Help Busy Mothers?

    Monica sighed as she sat heavily for a quick coffee and chocolate fix before the rush of after-school activities and household chores began. Her friend had come to visit her and as always was energetic and positive about her life despite having a busy job ...
  8. Live Life To The Fullest With Meditation

    It was Friday evening. Priyanka and I decided to try out a new Thai restaurant adjacent to our workplace for dinner. We entered the grand building and gradually settled into the plush ambience. The setting and the welcome was quite spectacular. We opened ...
  9. Meditation: A Budget-Free Retreat

    I wish everyday was a Sunday; I am so stuck with work... I wish I could take a holiday; Who really has the time to take a holiday with so much work... you must be kidding! Do you know how much a 3-4 day holiday to a hill station would cost you...I have be ...
  10. 7 Meditation Mantras for Youth: Sit Still, Move Mountains

    All the adventures in a person’s life are normally concentrated in the few years between 16 and about 25.It is imperative that we learn to ride the storms and scale the heights. Choices are made, words are spoken, actions are taken faster than the speed o ...