What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. The Way To Please God

    Photo credit: Lawrence OP/ Foter/CC BY-NC. (Below is a continuation of post The Source Of True Happiness) Gurudev, in the Pune Ashram there is Ayush Homa performed during birthdays and anniversaries. What is its significance? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: The cha ...
  2. The Source Of True Happiness

    (Photo credits: Archi) It is Purnima (Full moon day) today, but it is very cloudy. This is how it is in life also. You are beautiful and pure just like a full moon, but that is not visible because of the clouds (here meaning inertia and negativity). When ...
  3. You Are Cared For

    (Below is a continuation of post Strive To Be Ordinary) I am an elderly person, and I feel like dying because I am so dependent. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Life is such; you should not feel that I am dependent, and I want to be independent. See, no baby has be ...
  4. Strive To Be Ordinary

    (Photo credit: kitchener.lord / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND) Gurudev, is it alright for ordinary people like me to expect to be liberated? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Only ordinary people have a chance to be liberated. One who thinks they are special, hold no chance at ...
  5. Keeping Your Focus On You!

    Gurudev, how will you guide the modern youth who want to join politics for the betterment of our country? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: First, you do your sadhana and broaden you vision. Second, you need to have enormous patience. You go with a big vision and the ...
  6. The Law Of Attraction

    (Below is a continuation of post Keeping Your Focus On You!) Gurudev, I am getting married soon but I have this one botheration. For the past 6 months I have had many fights with my fiancé and I am not sure if I should continue this relationship. Sri Sri ...
  7. Take Refuge Of The Enlightened

    (Below is a continuation of post Why Bad Things Happen To Good People) Gurudev, it is said that the worship of the formless divine takes the sadhak (seeker) to a different state than the worship of the Divine with form. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You have to g ...
  8. Emotional Intelligence Matters

    Gurudev, I am living in a phase in which I am allowing my emotions to take over me, and I am aware of this. Otherwise, I feel they get suppressed. Am I on the right path? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Emotions are such that sometimes you should abstain from them, ...
  9. Everything Has A Purpose

    (Below is a continuation of the post A Guru Is Definitely Needed) Just come to the Ashram once and see for yourself how even dead people (here meaning those steeped in negativity and inertia) come alive with joy! Come and see how one can experience heaven ...
  10. A Guru Is Definitely Needed

    We all just sang a bhajan about Vitthala (a deity from Maharashtra seen as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu). This entire creation is made from Vitthala. We sometimes think that Vitthala is just this idol that is placed before us in the temple. No, that is n ...