Excerpts from the Speech of Ibu Dra Wiryanti Sukamdani CHA  Member of Parliament, Chairman, Indonesia Tourism Promotion Board, C

Om swastyastu, A

salamualaykum al rahmatullah

First of all I would like to thank the commitee which already trusted me to be the speaker in session of IWC. I feel really honored to be able to speak about the “Ethics in Leadership.”

When we talk about Ethics, it means we will touch the philosophy and when I think of philosophy, I will think of Panchashila - in other words, the ethics that I understand is the ethics of Panchashila. it is the ethics which was born from the land of the history, of Indonesians struggled to find the injustice, to fight the confinement, to fight the captivity. Those are several understanding when we talk about the relationship between ethics and Panchashila. Indonesia, truly needs lot of leaders who have the soul of Panchashila, the leaders who have the ethics of Panchashila. The people of Indonesia have already been thirsty and willing to find a leader which has the character of a leader they have fought, they have longed for. The country of Indonesia, which has been dream of the long of the first leader of the Nation, the country of peaceful and prosperous people and together with world society, they will build a peaceful, independent & righteous world. A leadership without ethics is like cooking vegetables without salt - it is just tasteless. A dynamic leader, as said by Sukarno, our founder & first president is the guiding idea. A leader is guided by ethics of Panchashila, yes I want to say it one more time, we need a leader who is guided by ethics of Panchashila. When we learn from the history of Indonesia and the world, there are so many female leaders with integrity & ethics.

Now, we continue with ethics of Panchashila. I would like to address you, of course, when we talk about Panchashila, we surely will remember the figure of founder, Sukarno. Which is also the proclamation - father of Indonesia. If in the US, it is knows as George Washington, in China Dr Tsu Yat Sen, In India - Mahatma Gandhi or Jawaharlal Nehru, Panchashila itself was taken from Sanskrit where Pancha means five and Shila means principle. The 5 principles, their belief in one supreme god - justice and civilised humanity of Indonesia, the democracy led by the understanding wisdom among the honorable representatives, that is from the Parliament house and social justice for all the people of Indonesia. Lets move on to the other 2 principles which are called democracy & social justice. To safeguard democracy the people must have keen sense of independence, self respect and review their oneness. It is true, without freedom, without mutual respect to one another, democracy would not be possible. Freedom and humanity are just the basic needs towards democracy, what they mean are to bring social justice for human race. It has been quite explanation I gave you about Panchashila & leadership, what can we conclude from this Panchashila and ethical leader?

Everything can be put just in 1 word called Love. A leader must have loving soul. Without love to one another, to the creature of god and to the universe, then what happens? It is just like the world we live in today. The world never stops, poverty continues to hound the whole world and destruction of nature which has been so badly that turn to men himself in the form of natural disasters which is almost everywhere. Women, by nature, always think with brain & heart. This is actually the strength of the women. Today, woman must also open their mind to economics, politics, education, health, social & culture. So women can participate in building the world for the prosperity of the people, education, and education and over the elevation. I was studying in Europe, especially in Switzerland & Germany, at that time (30 years ago), In that society woman is only responsible for 3 things - children, kitchen & religion. So now women cannot do that anymore, we have to know more than the 3K - Kinder, Küche & Kirche. So we need more, we have to also participate in politics, in social and also economics. I hope my words here could bring some ideas to all of us and please be assured that love is able to change it all. The moment you have in your hearts this extraordinary thing called love and feel in depth the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover for you the world is transformed. Krishnamoorthy, an Indian philosopher said and to close my speech, I would like to say that our leadership minimally yourself to someday, to help accountable abide the god almighty. Therefore let us be leaders,
Rahmatan lil alamin. That means may god bless us all. Thank you. 
Shanti Shanti Shanti Om

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