Excerpts from the Speech of The Honorable Ibu Susi Pudjiastuti Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia

We as women are special by nature; we have the privilege to win in a very special way. If we would be smart and confident and use our strength as women, we can win and do much more than the men can do.

It needs time and effort to prove it. That this is from my experience, so far in my 30 years running my life from a small business women, then to running a bigger enterprise and now running the job of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister of Indonesia.

There are lot of things if we as women do it, it can be more influential and have an exponential effect and can be recognized much more than when the men do the same thing. I would advise all ladies to use the privilege of us being a lady to conquer or dominate the meetings, or the world or the corporations or the boards by the charm and it is much more influencing than other means, we don’t have to fight, yes we do need to show consistency, but we can do things much more easily using the charm and the achievements will be very relieving and be very influential.

Excellency Gurudev was talking about giving time to yourself and silence. In my busy schedule, I take the time to be on my own to listen without using my ears, to see without using my eyes and to talk without using words. This gives you a quite a powerful moment injecting you with incredible energy and you can go beyond. I am not doing yoga, but I do use my tight time and give it to myself.

The only battle that someone can win without arms or soldiers are the battles run by women, we can conquer the world without your troops, because women have been given by nature special talents, charm and also can be very determined.

Everything does matter.

All of you here are strong ladies around the globe and with your strength and influence you can change the world. Thank you.

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