Excerpts from the Speech of MEP. Peterle Alojz Peterle

I would like to thank H.H.Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for this extraordinary privilege and honour. I never saw so many women at one place and I have never attended a conference for which “Harmony” would be a keyword.
I would say Harmony is a very dangerous word and if there was harmony the politicians would not have to do much at all. Because we are dealing with conflicts.

I have seen the society and all the communities have to find answer to the question how to live together with the differences. In the same century Europe generated two world wars and European survived the centuries of violence and many others suffered as well.

The historic enemies who are fighting for centuries against each other decided for reconciliation. Since then Europe has not been restructure in by force but by free will of free nations who have wished to share the same values and principles in United Europe. Since then the European nations, European politicians and European citizens have been speaking about Unity in diversity, about Europe as a soft power. Since then Europe has been known as a political entity wishing to share and not to enforce. What we share first of all is respect for human dignity and human rights. General quality included democracy, rule of law and social market economy. Now I would like to make a bridge between my more general political consideration and the objectives of this conference.

How to bring Harmony in an increasingly violent world?

It’s not just the question of personal Harmony. We need a social harmony as well. We also need harmony with the nature we live in. And I know I speak to the women who have a say or wish to have a stronger say in their respective countries, in their societies. We are here because we like violence free world, violence free societies, and violence free neighborhoods. We are aware that violence does not been only war and terrorism, corruption is a kind of social violence against those who live in and act in a honest way. We need harmony because we are different and we know how many people are facing problem because they are different or they either think they are different or too different. And to be different does not mean that our dignity can be of different sides. There is no smaller or bigger dignity, that is just a dignity of everybody. and my dignity is of the same value as somebody’s else dignity is. I think this is quite harmonious starting position and this where and why human dignity plays its crucial role.let move finally to the personal aspect of the question.i don’t believe in somebody’s successful work to outer peace if she or he does not live in harmony with her or himself.

Inner peace is requisite for outer peace. inner peace is our responsibility and our chance. The more we discover our true human nature the stronger will be our inner peace which is the essential dimension for happiness.. Lets work on increasing the gross domestic happiness. Reflections and factors that influence our relationships are all very very important. Approaches to increase awareness of restoring the Harmony with nature are needed And i think we cannot live in a perfect harmony if my neighbor is in inhumane conditions. And harmony means always relationship. Relationship with myself first, with my God, with somebody else. And it begins with the self respect for the others. I wish this conference a great success. Thank u very much for this privilege for speak for today

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